
Browse Poultry Science Stories - Page 16

192 results found for Poultry Science
UGA poultry science developed the Chkminvent app, a poultry house moisture removal and ventilation calculator intended to provide users with an estimated minimum ventilation rate required to remove the specified daily amount of moisture from a poultry house. CAES News
International Poultry Outreach
Poultry is playing an increasingly important role in feeding the planet’s growing population, which is expected to reach about 9 billion by 2050.
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean and Director Sam Pardue - January 2016 CAES News
New Dean Named
Samuel Pardue, a noted poultry science researcher and administrator at North Carolina State University, has been named dean and director of the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Todd Applegate will assume his new role as head of the Department of Poultry Science at the University of Georgia Jan.  8. CAES News
New Department Head
Todd Applegate, associate head of the Department of Animal Sciences at Indiana’s Purdue University, has been tapped to lead the University of Georgia’s Department of Poultry Science. He will take the helm starting on Jan. 8.
Members of the Tift County 4-H poultry judging team pose with their national championship plaques. CAES News
National Champs
Winning national championships is becoming routine for the Tift County 4-H Poultry Judging Team.
UGA Extension has researched-based resources for those who want to raise backyard chickens. CAES News
Avian Influenza
The current highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 outbreak in the United States is a concern for the commercial poultry industry, not the general population, says a University of Georgia poultry expert. Humans won’t be infected with avian influenza by eating chicken or other poultry products. Nearly all previous cases of human infections with other avian influenza viruses involved close, direct contact with infected poultry, but little to no direct transmission from person to person. While the HPAI H5 virus has caused some severe devastation for the U.S. commercial poultry industry, there have been no reports of infections in humans, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers the risk to people from this virus to be low.
Pictured is miscanthus grass used as bedding in a poultry house. CAES News
Alternative Bedding
The growing poultry industry in Georgia has farmers searching for alternative bedding options for their birds. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension poultry scientist Claudia Dunkley recommends that growers use giant miscanthus grass as bedding in their poultry houses.
UGA peanut geneticist Peggy Ozias-Akins, director of the UGA Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, examines a peanut blossom. Ozias-Akin's lab on the UGA Tifton Campus focuses on female reproduction and gene transfer in plants. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Awards
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will recognize nine of its finest next month with the D.W. Brooks Awards for Excellence and the CAES Faculty and Staff Support Awards.
Broilers in a poultry house. CAES News
Avian Influenza
Avian influenza can’t make humans sick, but it has driven the cost of eggs up and will result in consumers paying more for their holiday turkeys.
Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black examines a pumpkin field at Jaemor Farms with farm manager Drew Echols, Rep. Terry England, UGA President Jere Morehead, CAES Dean J. Scott Angle and other officials during the UGA President's Third Annual Farm Tour. CAES News
UGA President's Farm Tour
From vineyards and vegetable patches to state-of-the-art food processing and food safety operations, agriculture in northeast Georgia is made up of a large and diverse set of enterprises.