
Browse Animal and Dairy Science Stories - Page 22

270 results found for Animal and Dairy Science
Scientists from China and Taiwan visit with CAES researchers at the 2011 Ag Expo in Moultrie. CAES News
Asian Agricultural Sciences Summit
From tilapia to canned Mandarin oranges, Americans import many staple grocery products from Asian nations like China, Taiwan and Japan. Likewise, these countries import Georgia-grown products—chicken, cotton and pecans.
Georgia agricultural leaders took part in a groundbreaking in July at the Sunbelt Expo in Moultrie. The groundbreaking was for the new Spotlight State building, which will be constructed in time for the Expo, to be held Oct. 14-16. Participating in the groundbreaking are (from left): Georgia Agricultural Commissioner Gary Black, Georgia Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall, University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean Scott Angle, Sunbelt Executive Director Chip Blalock, assistant director of the Georgia Development Authority Donald Wilder, professor of horticulture at Fort Valley State, James E. Brown, Brittany Beasley (representing Colombo North America) and ABAC President David Bridges. CAES News
Sunbelt Expo
Georgia will definitely be on the minds of the estimated 90,000 people that will flock to this year’s Sunbelt Ag Expo in October.
Sugar beets are being researched at UGA as a possible alternative feed source for dairy cattle. CAES News
Sugar Beets
Georgia dairymen may soon have an alternative feed source for their cattle.
UGA President Jere Morehead meets with Ben Evans, manager of Coffee County Cotton Gin in Douglas on Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2014. CAES News
Presidential Visit
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead is making the state’s No. 1 industry a top priority.
World Cup rider Melanie Smith Taylor is one of only two riders to ever win the “Triple Crown of Show Jumping.” She is the only rider to win the American Invitational, the International Jumping Derby and the American Gold Cup on the same horse, Calypso who is shown with her in the photo. CAES News
Riders Clinic
TaylorMade Horsemanship Clinic has been set for Sept. 6-7 at the University of Georgia’s Livestock Instructional Arena in Athens. The clinic will tentatively be held from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. each day. Preregistration is required.
Summer is not the perfect time to tackle weeds in pastures, but it is the perfect time to make note of them. One common pasture weed is bitter sneezeweed. The annual is known for its yellow flowers, pungent odor and bitter taste. It reproduces by seed. CAES News
Pasture weeds
Late summer is an excellent time for farmers to survey or map the weeds in their pastures and hay fields. But it’s not the best time to spray.
Sha Tao stands at the dairy on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Dairy Production
Georgia’s hot and humid climate presents challenges for the state’s dairy farmers. A newly hired University of Georgia scientist hopes to find some solutions.
Photos of goats cleaning up the banks of Tanyard Creek near Baxter Street in Athens. Students from the UGA College of Environment and Design installed the goats as part of service-learning project. CAES News
Atlanta Goat Course
University of Georgia Extension agents of Fulton County will host a six-week Master Goat Farmer Certification course Aug. 5 through Sept. 13.
University of Georgia Extension water resource specialist Gary Hawkins looks over a solar panel. CAES News
Solar Power
Using the sun as a power source isn’t a new concept. But for some Georgia farmers, implementing solar power to deliver water to remote locations is making a huge difference.