Portrait of Arch D. Smith

Arch D. Smith



03/05/25 - Georgia 4-H’ers connect with civic process during 2025 4-H Day at the Capitol 10/07/24 - Campers create lasting memories of summer at Georgia's 4-H centers 11/14/23 - Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens opens annual December Nights & Holiday Lights Nov. 24 01/13/23 - Percy Hunter Stone inducted into National 4-H Hall of Fame 08/26/22 - Jeff Davis County 4-H agent receives William H. Booth Award 08/03/22 - Georgia 4-H celebrates excellence at 79th annual 4-H State Congress in Atlanta 06/02/22 - Home of the Dublin 4-H Center recognized on National Register of Historic Places 04/21/22 - Georgia 4-H celebrates National Volunteer Appreciation Week 02/21/22 - Georgia 4-H Day at the Capitol connects youth with the civic process 01/12/22 - Rock Eagle 4-H Center to make critical facility improvements as recipient of Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund 10/19/21 - Rock Eagle Chapel restoration wins prestigious award 08/19/21 - Georgia 4-H installs new board 08/18/21 - Davies receives Georgia 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award 07/22/21 - Georgia 4-H alums compete in shooting sports at the Tokyo Olympics 07/12/21 - Competitors with roots in Georgia 4-H will represent the U.S. at Junior World Championships 05/26/21 - 4-H alumnus Willie Spence brings the rhythm of Georgia to American Idol 05/21/21 - Georgia 4-H hosts state modified trap match with over 600 competitors 10/01/20 - UGA celebrates National 4-H Week Oct. 4-10 02/14/20 - Georgia 4-H Day at the State Capitol Connects Youth with Legislators 02/04/20 - Rock Eagle Chapel restoration nears completion after last year’s fire 01/17/20 - Georgia student selected as runner up for national 4-H award 09/25/19 - Hospital stay compels 4-H’er to create meaningful project 09/17/19 - Georgia 4-H celebrates National 4-H Week Oct. 6-12 09/12/19 - Bob and Maxine Burton receive Georgia 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award 08/01/19 - Georgia 4-H’ers win top honors at annual State Congress 02/13/19 - Georgia 4-H Day at the Capitol connects youth with Georgia’s legislators 01/17/19 - Georgia 4-H member wins national 4-H award and scholarship 04/05/18 - Georgia 4-H, Tractor Supply Company partner to raise funds, support 4-H programs 10/09/17 - Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue visited with 4-H members for National 4-H Week 10/05/17 - Georgia 4-H celebrates National 4-H Week Oct. 1-7 04/03/17 - Eatonton, Georgia, couple to receive Georgia 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award 01/04/17 - History of Rock Eagle 4-H Center chronicled in new book 12/06/16 - Georgia 4-H joins governor, first lady at opening ceremonies for new Camp Jekyll 10/07/16 - Georgia 4-H volunteer recognized with top national service award 09/29/16 - Georgia 4-H celebrates National 4-H Week Oct. 2-8 08/04/16 - Master 4-H'ers credit Georgia 4-H for teaching them public speaking, leadership skills 04/13/16 - UGA Extension announces summer camps for military youths 10/08/15 - Terrell County teen produces Georgia 4-H's top pumpkin for second consecutive year 08/20/15 - Turner County brothers win top spots in Georgia 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest 07/23/15 - Paul Wood receives Green Jacket Award for Georgia 4-H 07/02/15 - Gov. Deal encourages Georgia 4-H'ers to protect Americans' freedoms 03/19/15 - Georgia 4-H student's project gains ambulance for Ghana community 12/18/14 - Georgia 4-H performing arts group seeks donations through GeorgiaFunder website 11/26/14 - Georgia 4-H agent receives national award for work with military youth 11/20/14 - Jennifer Nettles named honorary chair, host for 2015 Georgia 4-H Gala 10/16/14 - Sixth annual Art at the Rock event set at Rock Eagle 4-H Center 08/21/14 - Georgia Representative Terry England receives 4-H Green Jacket Award 07/30/14 - Georgia 4-H's best compete at 2014 State Congress 07/21/14 - Craven Hudson joins Georgia 4-H as associate state leader 06/26/14 - Third generation of Georgia 4-H'ers celebrate citizenship with new music 04/14/14 - National 4-H Council Recognizes Sen. Saxby Chambliss 04/08/14 - Learn how to compost at Rock Eagle Saturday event 03/05/14 - UGA student testifies before Congress about impact of Extension 03/03/14 - Live the life of a pioneer through Rock Eagle Saturday program 02/06/14 - Great Backyard Bird Count event set at Rock Eagle 4-H Center 11/07/13 - Annual juried art show set for November at Rock Eagle 4-H Center 11/07/13 - Georgia 4-H museum honors environmental education program founder Diane Davies 10/31/13 - Georgia 4-H'ers produce huge pumpkins 10/22/13 - Ryles named to National 4-H Hall of Fame 10/11/13 - One million students served by Georgia 4-H Environmental Education Program 10/08/13 - Visit pioneer site at Rock Eagle 4-H Center 08/01/13 - UGA to honor 2013 Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame inductees 07/25/13 - Georgia 4-H honors top students at annual State Congress 05/29/13 - New state budget funds 17 cabins at Rock Eagle 4-H Center 05/09/13 - Rock Eagle visitors can gaze safely at the sun's surface 05/07/13 - Rock Eagle lobby named for former representative Bob Smith 01/31/13 - Chatham 4-H'ers educate community on E. coli and septic systems 12/20/12 - 4-H'ers collect pop tabs, blue jeans and coloring books to learn generosity 10/24/12 - Davies named to National 4-H Hall of Fame 10/04/12 - 4-H Clubs provide the tools that today's youth need to succeed 09/27/12 - Art @ The Rock set for November at 4-H Center in Eatonton. 09/06/12 - Saturday at the Rock focuses on native raptors 08/13/12 - Rock Eagle event introduces visitors to stream dwellers 08/06/12 - Georgia 4-H environmental education receives Watson-Brown Grant 07/31/12 - Georgia 4-H'ers win top honors at annual state congress 07/12/12 - Grant funds 16 new 4-H positions in impoverished Georgia counties 05/31/12 - 2013 state budget funds seven new cabins at Rock Eagle 4-H Center 04/20/12 - Georgia 4-H alum Jennifer Nettles awarded National 4-H Council Medallion 02/01/12 - Project raises funds for 4-H, increases subscriptions to ag publication 10/20/11 - Rodgers named to National 4-H Hall of Fame 10/06/11 - Cemeteries tour set by Rock Eagle 4-H Center 09/29/11 - Georgia 4-H: More than club meetings and camp 09/29/11 - Bacon County 4-H'er gives back to her community 09/15/11 - Art at the Rock set at Rock Eagle 4-H Center 08/01/11 - Parsons named CAES assistant director of college advancement 07/28/11 - Master 4-H'ers named at Georgia State 4-H Congress 05/05/11 - Saturday at The Rock set 02/07/11 - Saturday at Rock Eagle events kick off 07/22/10 - State winners highlight 68th State 4-H Congress 07/16/10 - Georgia 4-H Congress in Atlanta July 20-23 06/17/10 - Cell phone usage at school not all bad, must be monitored 03/04/10 - Georgia 4-H offers free camps for military children 12/18/08 - New dining hall dedicated 06/02/05 - Rock Eagle 50th b'day celebration planned 04/21/04 - Tybee 4-H Center turns back tide, time 07/29/03 - Jekyll 4-H Center renovation project complete