
Browse Food Science and Technology Stories - Page 16

252 results found for Food Science and Technology
Francisco Diez Gonzalez became director of the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety on July 1, 2016. Diez earned a bachelor's degree in food technology from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, and completed master's and doctoral degrees in food science at Cornell University in New York. He came to UGA from the University of Minnesota, where he was a faculty member and head of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition. CAES News
Director Diez
For years, food scientist Francisco Diez studied and admired the work of University of Georgia Regents’ Professor Mike Doyle, but the two researchers’ paths never crossed. For the next year, they will work closely together as Diez transitions into Doyle’s role as director of the UGA Center for Food Safety in Griffin, Georgia.
University of Georgia researchers Jamie Cooper and Chad Paton have found that by eating a diet high in polyunsaturated fat, study participants show significant decreases in total cholesterol and other markers of “bad” cholesterol such as LDL and triglycerides. In this case, study participants consumed a seven-day diet of whole foods such as walnuts, wild-caught Alaskan keta salmon, tuna, flax seed oil, grapeseed oil and canola oil, along with fish oil supplements. CAES News
Walnuts & Salmon
A diet that includes higher amounts of polyunsaturated fats, found in foods like walnuts and salmon, can help offset the detrimental effects of the occasional meal high in saturated fats, University of Georgia researchers have shown in a small clinical study.
Rendering of the FoodPIC building being built on the UGA campus in Griffin. CAES News
Tucked into a corner of the University of Georgia’s campus in Griffin, Georgia, FoodPIC is an innovative research center that could be a key component in bringing business and industry to the state.
Members of the first place Spalding County 4-H Food Product Development Team include Hannah Rutledge, Isabel Rutledge, Carrianna Simmons, Nathaniel Haulk, Jordan Turner, Francisco Javier Zepeda and their coach, 4-H Program Assistant Lisa Kelley. CAES News
4-H Food Product Contest
From crackers, to cheese snacks, to nutritionally enhanced juices, each new food that debuts on grocery store shelves starts with an idea and entrepreneurial passion.
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean and Director Sam Pardue, far left, and CAES Associate Dean for Research Bob Shulstad, far right, congratulate doctorate students Forrest Goodfellow and Shuyang Zhen and master's degree student Erin Roestshcehl on their E. Broadus Browne Awards for creative research. CAES News
Graduate Awards Night
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences recognized its best and brightest graduate students at the 2016 Graduate Student Recognition Reception on May 2, 2016.
Fanbin Kong, a researcher in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Food Science Technology, has spent is career studying how our bodies interact with the food we eat. CAES News
Nanocellulose Study
University of Georgia food engineer Fanbin Kong has been awarded a more than $496,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture to study the safety of nanocellulose and how it affects humans’ food digestion and nutrient absorption.
Mike Doyle, director of UGA Center for Food Safety, holds a bowl of spinach. CAES News
Produce and Pathogens
Mike Doyle doesn’t eat raw bean sprouts, medium-rare hamburgers or bagged salads. He isn’t on a special diet, but as director of the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety in Griffin, Georgia, he studies the food pathogens that sicken thousands of Americans each year. For a time, foodborne illness was most often connected with undercooked meats; today, 33 percent of cases are tracked back to raw produce.
A team of food industry experts and grocery buyers selected 33 products to compete in the final round of the University of Georgia's 2016 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. A record-breaking 135 products were entered into the contest this year in 11 categories. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia 2016
Judges have selected 33 products to compete in the final round of the University of Georgia's 2016 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest March 14-15 at the Georgia Railroad Freight Depot in Atlanta.
Samples of Blanc du Bois wine grapes from Trillium Vineyards. CAES News
Georgia Wine
Georgia wines may not have the same cachet as California chardonnays or French Burgundies, but they’re earning new accolades each year thanks to a community of dedicated grape growers and little help from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.