
Browse Food Science and Technology Stories - Page 13

259 results found for Food Science and Technology
Xiangyu Deng, an assistant professor of food microbiology with the Center for Food Safety (CFS) on the UGA Griffin campus. CAES News
Source ID
A team of scientists led by researchers at the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety in Griffin, Georgia, has developed a machine-learning approach that could lead to quicker identification of the animal source of certain Salmonella outbreaks.
Pride Road's hibiscus jelly was a finalist in Flavor of Georgia's 2018 Jams and Jellies category. The University of Georgia's Food Product Innovation and Commercialization (FoodPIC) Center in Griffin, Georgia, helped the Smyrna, Georgia, company dry the fresh flowers and then make them into a range of hibiscus products: jelly, jam, tea and chutney. Pride Road's owners (center) are shown at the 2018 Flavor of Georgia contest with members of the FoodPIC staff. CAES News
Food PIC
For the past 12 years, Georgia-based food companies have competed in the Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. Being named a finalist — or better, a winner — in one of the contest’s categories is a great boost for companies seeking success in the competitive food industry. A few of last year’s winners had one thing in common: They have worked with the University of Georgia’s Food Product Innovation and Commercialization Center (FoodPIC).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are urging consumers to avoid eating romaine lettuce and romaine lettuce blends until the source of an E. coli outbreak can be found. CAES News
Romaine Recall
In the midst of the third outbreak of E. coli linked to romaine lettuce in less than two years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges consumers to avoid buying or eating any romaine lettuce.
Georgia farmers will soon be harvesting their cotton crop. It's important for cotton producers to know when to defoliate to speed up the crop's maturity process. CAES News
Cottonseed Oil
Researchers at the University of Georgia have found that a high-fat diet enriched with cottonseed oil drastically improved cholesterol profiles in young adult men. Participants showed significant reductions in cholesterol and triglycerides.
Based on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Georgia, UGA food engineer Kevin Mis Solval has an 80 percent research and 20 percent Extension appointment. Through the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Mis Solval conducts food process engineering research and helps develop food ingredients for projects at the Food Product Innovation and Commercialization (FoodPIC) Center. CAES News
Food Engineer
Kevin Mis Solval has joined the faculty of the University of Georgia as a food engineer in the Department of Food Science and Technology. Based on the UGA campus in Griffin, Georgia, Mis Solval will conduct food process engineering research and help develop food ingredients for projects at the Food Product Innovation and Commercialization (FoodPIC) Center.
Author and international development expert Robert Paarlberg will deliver the 2018 University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences annual D.W. Brooks Lecture at theCenter for Continuing Education at 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 8. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards
Author and international development expert Robert Paarlberg has spent years dismantling the oversimplified narratives surrounding global hunger and its remedies.
University of Georgia food scientist Xiangyu Deng has been awarded the Larry Beuchat Young Researcher Award by The International Association for Food Protection (IAFP). Deng is pictured (center) receiving the award from Linda Harris (left), a professor at The University of California, Davis and a past president of IAFP, and Stan Bailey (right), senior director of scientific affairs at bioMerieux and a past president of IAFP. CAES News
Deng Honored
University of Georgia food scientist Xiangyu Deng has been awarded the Larry Beuchat Young Researcher Award by the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP). The award recognizes excellence in food safety and was presented to Deng at the IAFP meeting held July 8-11 in Salt Lake City.
Bobby Goss, a FoodPIC research technician, tells the faculty about UGA chocolate research. CAES News
New Faculty Tour
New faculty at the University of Georgia learned why agriculture continues to be the state's biggest economic driver and how UGA leads the way in helping Georgians sustain and improve commodities like peanuts, poultry, pecans and turfgrass.
University of Georgia Distinguished Research Professor Casimir Akoh CAES News
Public Health Award
University of Georgia Distinguished Research Professor Casimir Akoh recently accepted the Institute of Food Technologists’ (IFT) research award. The award recognizes an improvement in public health.