
Browse Food Science and Technology Stories - Page 4

260 results found for Food Science and Technology
A group of business-minded craft brewers attended a three-day brewing workshop in August that incorporated visits to local Athens breweries, including South Main Brewing, led by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Food Science and Technology (EFST) process specialist Kaitlyn Casulli (center front in red shirt). CAES News
Brewery Business
A new workshop brewed up by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension food science and technology process specialist Kaitlyn Casulli opened the tap on insider knowledge for craft brewers seeking to start a business. Casulli, an assistant professor in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Food Science and Technology, is a craft beer aficionado with a mind for business.
“Currently, the goal is to set the foundation for innovative jellyfish research in the United States,” said UGA food science and technology doctoral candidate Peter Chiarelli. CAES News
Cannonball Fellowship
Peter G. Chiarelli has been awarded an Agriculture and Food Research Initiative predoctoral fellowship from the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture for his research on Georgia-caught cannonball jellyfish. Chiarelli is spearheading efforts to create a domestic market for collagen peptide powders derived from cannonball jellyfish.
UGA virologist Malak Esseili (left) and graduate student Julianna Morris studied methods of inactivating SARS-CoV-2 on contaminated surfaces. CAES News
Testing Sanitizers
When the coronavirus pandemic first began in 2020, there was much that officials did not know about the virus and how to combat it. One area of concern was how to disinfect surfaces that were contaminated with SARS-CoV-2. Institutions such as schools and daycares especially needed to know how to clean high-touch surfaces to reduce the risk of infection.
UGA Center for Food Safety doctoral student Zhihan Xian theorized that testing the microbiome of foods could be a means of determining their source of origin. The results demonstrated that the food microbiome contains origin-specific information, giving the method potential as a useful tool in stopping origin fraud practices. (Photo by Jennifer Reynolds) CAES News
Testing for Life
Zhihan Xian’s innovative research into new methods of food origin tracing has been named this year’s winner of the Testing for Life Student Award by AOAC International, a nonprofit association that seeks to set standards of analysis to help ensure food safety globally. Xian, a doctoral student in food science at the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, is on the leading edge of research of food origin authentication.
An average of 31 million pounds of chicken produced every day throughout the state. At the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, experts have helped developed biomapping technology for processing facilities that is making the food supply safer. CAES News
Poultry Safety
Poultry, specifically broiler production, is Georgia’s top livestock agricultural commodity, with an average of 31 million pounds of chicken produced every day throughout the state. At the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, experts have helped developed biomapping technology for processing facilities that is making the food supply safer.
20230215 UGA Griffin Center for Food Safety 044 (1) CAES News
Jim Ayres Award
University of Georgia Center for Food Safety doctoral student Jouman Hassan has been named the first-place winner of this year's Jim Ayres Young Investigator Award given by the Georgia Association for Food Protection. Hassan, whose doctoral advisor is Assistant Professor Issmat Kassem in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, obtained her master’s degree in food safety and microbiology from the American University of Beirut.
Spelman Workshop Resized Cropped 3 CAES News
Cross-Institutional Partnership
For Jennifer Jo Thompson, finding solutions to meet the increasing global demands for healthy, affordable and accessible food requires an un-siloed approach in higher education and leadership. Through a collaborative project funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Higher Education Challenge Grant, Thompson is leading UGA’s Sustainable Food Systems Initiative in a collaborative project with the Food Studies Program at Spelman College.
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Microbiology Fellow
Francisco Diez-Gonzalez, director of the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety, has been elected as a fellow into the prestigious American Academy of Microbiology. Diez-Gonzalez was one of 65 new fellows admitted in the Class of 2023 out of a nomination pool of 148.
World Health Organization (WHO/OMS) Logo at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. CAES News
Three University of Georgia professors from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have been appointed to serve on Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meetings on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA). Chosen by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) secretariats and external referees, Faith Critzer, Abhinav Mishra and Todd Callaway will serve among a roster of experts from 33 countries.