
Browse Crop and Soil Sciences Stories - Page 42

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As of Nov. 1, almost 75 percent of Georgia has been designated as having abnormally dry or drought conditions, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Image credit: USDA Drought Monitor. CAES News
October Drought
After five months of above-normal temperatures and dry conditions, almost 75 percent of Georgia is now experiencing some level of drought or abnormally dry conditions.
On Nov. 7, 2016 the University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences honored faculty and staff at the D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards Ceremony. Those honored included; from left front row; Brian Fairchild, Julia Gaskin, JoAnne Norris, Wayne Parrott, Bill Tyson; and from left back row; Peter LaFayette, Carla Barnett, Lindsey Barner, Tim Brenneman, Nick Fuhrman and Ron Walcott. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards
One in four children will suffer severe developmental issues due to hunger. Although this number may be overwhelming, nothing will change if people continue to ignore the problem.
This photo represents pseudo-colored MRI T1 maps of a Zika-infected chicken embryo. The embryo was infected with the Zika virus at a time associated with the first trimester of a human pregnancy. The photo captures a well-developed chicken embryo within the egg, and lesion within the brain, attributed to the Zika virus infection. CAES News
Zika Virus Research
A University of Georgia graduate student is using early stage chicken embryos to monitor the progression of the Zika virus. By collecting data on how the virus affects brain development, researchers at UGA can pinpoint the best treatments to stop or slow the progression of early-stage microcephaly, a rare birth defect linked to the Zika virus.
David Jespersen is the newest member of the University of Georgia Turfgrass Team. CAES News
New Turf Researcher
New Jersey native David Jespersen was selected to fill retired UGA turfgrass physiologist Bob Carrow’s position based in part on his research on the effects of heat stress on creeping bentgrass. Jespersen is adjusting to life in the South and to working on a small extended university campus.
While some parts of the state received plenty of needed rain from Tropical Storms Hermine and Julia, parts of the northern half of the state experienced exceptional drought. CAES News
September Climate
While the southern half of the state received much needed rain in September from tropical storms Hermine and Julia, farmers in the northern part of the state dealt with what some called “the worst conditions in 60 years.”
Hay bales outline a field in Butts County, Georgia. CAES News
To Overseed or Not?
While drivers spend extra time in the car in search of fuel during the recent gasoline shortage, farmers are dealing with a more long-term shortage — a low supply of hay for their livestock.
Peanuts are dug at a farm in southwest Georgia during the Georgia Peanut Tour last year. CAES News
Georgia Peanut Tour
Home to the University of Georgia Tifton Campus and Georgia Peanut Commission, Tifton, Georgia, will host this year’s Georgia Peanut Tour.
Alexandra Bentz, a poultry science graduate student at UGA, spent her summer studying the health of vampire bats in Belize. CAES News
Graduate Student Travel Awards
his summer University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences students traveled the world with help from the college’s Office of Global Programs’ Graduate International Travel Awards.
Pictured is a comparison between healthy peanuts and those infected with white mold disease. CAES News
White Mold Disease
Harvest time may be less than a month away for many Georgia peanut farmers, but University of Georgia Cooperative Extension plant pathologist Bob Kemerait insists there is still time to treat the crop for white mold disease.