
Browse Animal and Dairy Science Stories - Page 23

270 results found for Animal and Dairy Science
Neural progenitors are used at UGA's Regenerative Bioscience Center to determine endocrine active compound-induced alterations in key human neural cellular events. (Credit: Regenerative Bioscience Center) CAES News
Rapid Toxicity Tests
Multiyear testing methods have left the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency with a list of 80,000 household and industrial compounds that need to be assessed to determine potential health risks.
Winter Cover Crop Study
Wayne County farmer Jonny Harris noticed long ago that feeding winter cover crops to his cattle improves their diet, his fields and his bottom line. He wanted to show other southeastern Georgia farmers they can reap the same benefits, but he knew he needed more evidence than decades of personal experience.
A barrel racing competitor leans her horse into the turn during the Great Southland Stampede Rodeo. CAES News
Rodeo Time
The University of Georgia's Block and Bridle Club is gearing up for the 40th annual Great Southland Stampede Rodeo, which will roll into Athens April 10-12 at the UGA Livestock Instructional Arena, 2600 South Milledge Ave.
Beef cattle graze on a pasture on the Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville, Ga. CAES News
Blairsville Cattle Field Day
Georgia cattle farmers will learn the latest research-based information at the annual University of Georgia Mountain Beef Cattle Field Day on April 11 in Blairsville, Ga.
Cotton is dumped into a trailer at the Gibbs Farm in Tifton on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013. CAES News
Farm Bill
U.S. Farm Bill education will be the focus of an upcoming series of meetings coordinated by University of Georgia agricultural economists.
Here is a picture of poor forage quality. CAES News
Low Forage Quality
Last summer’s rain combined with this winter’s frigid temperatures have left cattle suffering and Georgia cattlemen seeking answers.
Cattle shortage around the country is a reason cattle prices are currently high. CAES News
High Cattle Prices
Georgia cattlemen are struggling to feed their herds and fighting the affects of poor quality forages. With calf prices at a high, selling off stock may be the best option, says one University of Georgia expert.
Hongxiang Liu, an assistant professor of animal and dairy science at UGA, also works as part of the the UGA Regenerative Medicine program and UGA Obesity Initiative. Her work focuses on the discovering the connections between taste bud physiology and obesity. CAES News
Taste Bud Research
Most people don't give much thought to their 10,000 taste buds when they choose a chocolate chip cookie over an apple. University of College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences researcher Hongxiang Liu thinks about these tiny sensory organs nearly every day.
This picture shows cotton being picked at the Gibbs Farm in Tifton on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013. CAES News
2014 Farm Bill
Georgia farmers can no longer bank on subsidized payments from the federal government.