
Browse Tifton Stories - Page 21

245 results found for Tifton
Johnson Collins, of Jasper, Georgia, spent 12 weeks this summer working in the office of Sen. Johnny Isakson as part of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Congressional Agricultural Fellowship program. CAES News
Agricultural Fellowship
Johnson Collins, a small-town girl from Jasper, Georgia, never believed she would work in the nation’s capital.
Corn is harvested on the UGA Tifton Campus on August 11, 2016. CAES News
Corn Crop
Rainy conditions this spring forced some Georgia corn farmers to plant their crop late this year, according to Reagan Noland, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension corn and small grains agronomist. This late planting, combined with a very wet growing season, meant farmers harvested some corn crops a few weeks late.
UGA CAES Dean Sam Pardue speaks at Centennial Kickoff event at UGA-Tifton.
August 21, 2018 CAES News
Centennial Kickoff
For the past 100 years, research from the University of Georgia Tifton campus has impacted international agriculture, from world’s food supply to its fields of play.
Bobby Goss, a FoodPIC research technician, tells the faculty about UGA chocolate research. CAES News
New Faculty Tour
New faculty at the University of Georgia learned why agriculture continues to be the state's biggest economic driver and how UGA leads the way in helping Georgians sustain and improve commodities like peanuts, poultry, pecans and turfgrass.
On August 11, 2018, peanut producers, UGA Extension agents, UGA Peanut Team specialists and industry supporters were honored at the Peanut Achievement Club meeting. CAES News
Peanut Achievement Club
Fifteen of Georgia’s top peanut producers were honored this weekend at the annual Georgia Peanut Achievement Club meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia. The meeting recognizes Georgia’s highest-yielding peanut growers every year.
Greg Fonsah (left), University of Georgia Tifton campus professor, will lead Auxence Muhigwa Akonkwa, a Fellow visiting UGA-Tifton from the Democratic Republic of Congo, in banana research. Akonkwa is taking part in Fonsah's research through the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders program. CAES News
Mandela Fellowship
Auxence Muhigwa Akonkwa, a Fellow from the Democratic Republic of Congo in central Africa, will visit the University of Georgia Tifton campus through the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders program.
Logan Moore is the first graduate of a new dual master's degree program in sustainable agriculture from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) and UNIPD in Italy. He now holds master's degrees from both universities. CAES News
Dual-degree Graduates
Time flies, especially when you’re studying a subject you love in the heart of Italy. For University of Georgia graduate student Logan Moore, who has spent the last 18 months conducting research and pursuing his master’s degree in sustainable agriculture, his time at the University of Padova, or Università degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD), has come to an end and his degrees are complete.
Crawford County ANR and 4-H agent Sarah Greer looks in a sweep net to see if her 4-H student caught any insects. CAES News
Cotton STEM Workshop
A select group of Georgia 4-H members learned about cotton production and the crop’s global impact as part of a daylong Cotton STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) Workshop held on the University of Georgia Tifton campus on Thursday, July 19.
This year 59 Young Scholars represent more than 35 high schools from across the state spent six weeks working with researchers in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Young Scholars 2018
Pipette, check. Lab coat, check. A sense of scientific curiosity, double check. It’s not your typical gear list for summer camp, but it covers just what Georgia high school students needed while they participated in this summer’s University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) Young Scholars Program.