
Browse Crop and Soil Sciences Stories - Page 59

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A research plot of hairy vetch grows at the University of Georgia Central Research and Education Center in Eatonton, Ga. Hairy Vetch is a winter legume that can be used as a cover crop. It tolerates a wide variety of soils, but UGA Extension specialist Julia Gaskin says "in Georgia, if you plant it, you are going to have it for life.” CAES News
Fall Covers Crops
Home gardeners who plan to give their garden spot a rest this fall can plant seeds now to help next summer’s garden. A University of Georgia expert says planting a cover crop during this fall will add precious soil organic matter and nutrients that will benefit garden soil later.
August Weather
Most areas of Georgia received well below normal rainfall in August, leading to expansion of dry conditions and the appearance of severe drought in southern Georgia by the end of the month. Wet conditions were confined to the Atlanta metro area, regions to the northwest and a small part of northern Pierce County. Temperatures were near normal across the state.
UGA President Jere Morehead meets with Ben Evans, manager of Coffee County Cotton Gin in Douglas on Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2014. CAES News
Presidential Visit
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead is making the state’s No. 1 industry a top priority.
This is a file photo of a center pivot irrigation system being used. CAES News
Georgia Drought
A summer drought combined with scorching temperatures have Georgia farmers feeling the heat, says University of Georgia’s agricultural climatologist Pam Knox.
Charles Y. Chen, a peanut breeder with the USDA ARS National Peanut Research Laboratory in Dawson, leads a tour for a group of visiting international scientists.  Pictured left to right with Chen are Andrew Emmott, Amade Muitia, Isaac Minde, Alice Mweetwa, Jamie Rhoads and Dominique LaForest. CAES News
PMIL Meeting
Mycotoxins are harmful chemicals that are produced by fungi in crops like peanuts and corn. A group of agricultural scientists from across the world met in Georgia last month to discuss the need for more robust sampling and detection methods for these potentially lethal food toxins.
Corn Prices
Potential record-setting corn yields have contributed to a bleak market for Georgia farmers, says University of Georgia agricultural economist, Nathan Smith. Smith also believes next year’s price will be worse than this year’s.
Andrew Paterson - Regents Professor and director of UGA's Plant Genome Mapping Laboratory CAES News
Canola Genome
An international team of scientists including researchers from the University of Georgia recently published the genome of Brassica napus—commonly known as canola—in the journal Science. Their discovery paves the way for improved versions of the plant, which is used widely in farming and industry.
Rows of cotton at a farm on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus in 2013. CAES News
Field Day
University of Georgia cotton and peanut research will be on display at an annual field day in Tifton next month.
Those attending the UGA Cotton/Peanut Field Day will be able to meet with UGA's newest peanut agronomist, Scott Monfort. CAES News
Peanut Agronomist
University of Georgia Extension’s new peanut agronomist says Georgia’s crop shows potential despite a prolonged drought.