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“Heat stress can be a major issue for the poultry industry and can cause bird death. The DOA (dead-on-arrival) rate has gone down significantly because this has become an industry focus over time,” said Professor Harshavardhan Thippareddi, also the interim associate dean of research for UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA) CAES News
Poultry Transportation
Agriculture is the No. 1 industry in Georgia, and poultry is the largest sector of that industry, with nearly 1.4 billion broiler chickens produced each year on thousands of farms around the state. University of Georgia researchers are using multiphysics computational simulations to create a machine learning model to evaluate bird comfort during loading, transportation and holding prior to processing.
Leah Whitmoyer, a junior at the University of Georgia, is spending the fall 2022 semester studying at the University of Jordan as a Boren Scholar. In this photo, she visits Assalt, Jordan, a city near Amman. (Submitted photo) CAES News
Obama-Chesky Scholarship
Leah Whitmoyer of Tucker, Georgia, a third-year student in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, is one of 100 college students from across the nation to be selected for the inaugural cohort of the Voyager Scholarship, the Obama-Chesky Scholarship for Public Service.
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Professor Cesar Escalante has been recognized for his pioneering research and advocacy to advance financial inclusion and alleviate racial and gender bias in agricultural lending. (Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA) CAES News
FINRA Ketchum Prize
University of Georgia Professor Cesar Escalante has been awarded the 2022 Ketchum Prize — the FINRA Investor Education Foundation’s (FINRA Foundation) highest honor — in recognition of his pioneering research and advocacy to advance financial inclusion and alleviate racial and gender bias in agricultural lending.
Ware County 4-H'er Amiyah Elam delivered an address to the 2022 Georgia 4-H State Congress delegation and shared the story of how 4-H molded her into a successful young leader. CAES News
4-H Week
Georgia 4-H is celebrating National 4-H Week and recognizing more than 100 years of excellence in positive youth development Oct. 2 through 8. With over 6 million members and 25 million alumni nationally, 4-H programs touch young people from all backgrounds and communities.
CAES Students in the Philanthropy Council pose for a photo during Beat Week. CAES News
Beat Week 2022
Ahead of the University of Georgia and Auburn University going head-to-head on the football field on Saturday, the universities are competing off the field to raise money for their students during Beat Week from Oct. 3 through 8. This year, the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will concentrate efforts on the college’s student emergency fund.
Abnormally dry conditions this summer have kept Georgia's mosquito populations mercifully low, but that's no reason for Georgians to let down their guard, especially this season. CAES News
Mosquito Season Ongoing
Cooler weather may be upon us, but as we open windows and head outside, it is important to remember that we are still in mosquito season. Recent rains have filled all of the containers, cracks and crevices that can hold water around our homes and neighborhoods. While working around my yard, I have found mosquito larvae in the bird bath, a garbage can lid and in the rim of a recycling container.
Franklin West (left) and Steven Stice of UGA’s Regenerative Bioscience Center have received $1.1 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health to study potential treatments for traumatic brain injury. CAES News
NIH Funds TBI Research
Two faculty members in UGA’s Regenerative Bioscience Center, Steven Stice and Franklin West, have been awarded multiple grants from the National Institutes of Health totaling $1.1 million to study potential treatments for traumatic brain injury. Stice and West will collaborate with MRI expert Qun Zhao to evaluate the brain’s functional organization and neural repair of networks following traumatic brain injury.
A bee on a flower in the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia. (UGA file photo) CAES News
Urban Bee Conservation
New research from the University of Georgia revealed that mixed land use — such as developments interspersed with forest patches — improves bee diversity and is leading to new solutions for bee conservation. UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences researchers found that small amounts of development actually had a positive impact on the number of bee species present in a given area.
Juvenile chickens resting on litter (wood chips) CAES News
Poultry Litter
When many of us hear about bacteria, we associate it with illness. But certain bacteria can be helpful in preventing disease, not causing it. For example, consuming probiotics, or beneficial bacteria, to improve gut health has risen in popularity in recent years, both for human and animal wellness.