Portrait of Jennifer L Reynolds

Jennifer L Reynolds

Jennifer Reynolds is the communications professional for UGA's Center for Food Safety.


06/07/24 - CAES researchers ensure a safer global food supply 03/27/24 - Can a cup of tea keep COVID away? 10/31/23 - Advances in using blue light technology to fight foodborne illness 08/29/23 - Research examines safer alternative to disinfect COVID-19-contaminated surfaces 07/25/23 - UGA food science student named winner of Testing for Life Award 06/20/23 - UGA Center for Food Safety student wins Jim Ayres Young Investigator Award 06/07/23 - Diez-Gonzalez elected to the American Academy of Microbiology 03/27/23 - Center for Food Safety celebrates 30 years of research, collaboration 03/14/23 - UGA Center for Food Safety director aids in FDA review 03/02/23 - Making your food safer—one study at a time 01/10/23 - The surprising impact of sunlight on food safety 07/14/22 - UGA study determines why some COVID patients have GI symptoms 07/08/22 - International Association for Food Protection honors UGA Center for Food Safety director 07/04/22 - CAES researcher instrumental in ban of last-resort agricultural antibiotic in Lebanon 06/28/22 - Refugees at higher risk for persistent infections, according to UGA-led study 06/07/22 - UGA offers global leadership in food safety research 05/19/22 - New UGA study will look to lettuce microbes for food safety solutions 05/13/22 - UGA-Griffin students celebrate their multicultural campus community 05/02/22 - 'Finding unconventional solutions for very big problems' 04/27/22 - UGA researchers study the use of blue light technology to reduce foodborne outbreaks 03/03/22 - New software from CAES improves accuracy of DNA sequence analysis 01/03/22 - Gene that causes antimicrobial resistance in bacteria discovered in Georgia 08/25/21 - Evidence of study suggests source of pandemic foodborne illness 06/07/21 - UGA plays pivotal role in food safety