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Coming in first place in the Georgia 4-H State Dairy Quiz Bowl, the Burke County senior team includes members Emmaline Cunningham, Tony Gray, Abby Joyner, Susanna Murray and Holt Sapp, who were coached by 4-H Extension Agent Meridith Meckel. CAES News
Dairy Quiz Bowl
The senior team from Burke County won first place at the Georgia 4-H State Dairy Quiz Bowl contest on May 20 at the UGA Animal Dairy Science Complex. Team members Emmaline Cunningham, Tony Gray, Abby Joyner, Susanna Murray and Holt Sapp were coached by Burke County 4-H Agent Meridith Meckel.
The UGA SNAP-Ed program, working in collaboration with UGA Extension and a network of federal, state and local resources, is a vital part of the national mission to eliminate diet and physical activity-related health disparities among low-income Georgians. CAES News
30 Years of SNAP-Ed
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education, or SNAP-Ed, was launched in 1992 as the nutrition education arm of SNAP, the nation’s largest and oldest nutrition assistance program that provides economic benefits to low-income individuals and families. The program that began with just seven states providing nutrition education is now in its 30th year.
Tonya Thomas Berry stands in front of Emery Thomas Auditorium, named for her grandfather, in Dublin, Georgia. Emery Thomas Auditorium, the historic home of the Dublin 4-H Center, was recently named to the National Register of Historic Places. CAES News
Dublin 4-H Center
Georgia 4-H recognized the historical significance of the Dublin 4-H Center on May 14 with a program at the Emery Thomas Auditorium, which was recently named to the National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service. The Dublin 4-H Center opened in 1957 and became the first state center for Black 4-H Club members in the United States.
The Great Georgia Pollinator Census was launched in 2019 as a citizen science research project inviting Georgians from across the state come together for two days in August to document pollinator populations. South Carolinians will join the count this year. CAES News
2022 Great Pollinator Census
The citizens of South Carolina will be joining the Great Georgia Pollinator Census for the August 2022 count, expanding the reach of the pioneering project in the Southeast. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension launched the Great Georgia Pollinator Census in 2019 as a citizen science research project inviting Georgians from across the state to document pollinator populations.
The UGA Extension diabetes prevention program has received the highest recognition offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Full Plus certification. CAES News
Prevent Type 2
The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension diabetes prevention program has received the highest recognition offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC’s Full Plus certification is reserved for lifestyle change programs that have effectively delivered a quality, evidence-based program that meets all the standards for CDC recognition and additional retention thresholds.
andrew macelroy CAES News
Cultivating Connections
On the green roof garden of the University of Georgia Geography-Geology Building, Amy Sidran harvested kale and kohlrabi, scattered cover crop seeds and peppered green roof manager and graduate student Andrew MacElroy with questions about the uses of the space and how it is integrated with learning.
Foodborne botulism can be prevented with proper canning techniques and equipment that prevent contamination, according to UGA Extension food safety specialist Carla Schwan. CAES News
Canning Precautions
As home canning season approaches, a University of Georgia food safety expert stressed the need for proper precautions to avoid foodborne illness. A recent death in Washington state was attributed to botulism, a toxin that is a byproduct of the heat-resistant spores of a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum that likely originated from a home-canned food.
Empty grocery shelves due to supply chain issues. CAES News
High Food Prices
A dollar spent at the supermarket pays for more than what you see in your cart. And what you can get with that dollar has changed a lot since this time last year. Global issues driven by the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current crisis in Ukraine are driving costs higher for food and many other goods.
Aerial photo of soybean field at the UGA Northwest Research and Education Center in Rome, Georgia, by Henry Jordan CAES News
MyIPM Row Crops
New insect wreaking havoc in your cotton field? Troublesome disease in your peanut stand you don’t recognize? No idea where to start? There’s an app for that.