
Browse 4-H Stories - Page 19

220 results found for 4-H
Bob and Maxine Burton recently received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Georgia 4-H. Upon presenting the award, Georgia State 4-H Leader Arch Smith thanked the Burtons for their years of support of the Georgia 4-H program and the generous gift they gave to help save the camp on Tybee Island, Georgia. The Burtons own and operate burton + BURTON, the world’s largest wholesale distributor of balloons and coordinating gift products in the world. CAES News
Burtons Honored
During the 2019 Georgia 4-H Gala on Aug. 10, Bob and Maxine Burton were awarded the prestigious Georgia 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award for their ongoing, significant and heartfelt support of Georgia 4-H.
Sumter County 4-H Agent Crystal Perry helps a student care for the plants in the garden bed as part of the ROCKETS program. CAES News
A Sumter County University of Georgia Cooperative Extension 4-H program to teach students with special needs about agriculture was a soaring success last year, however, it may fall to Earth if program administrators can’t secure funding to fuel it.
Georgia 4-H'ers from 23 counties gathered at Rock Eagle 4-H Center on Aug. 17 for the annual Georgia 4-H Mission Make-It engineering challenge. Participants designed rockets and space modules inspired by the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. CAES News
Mission Make-It
For about 150 Georgia 4-H’ers and their parents, a weekend trip to Rock Eagle 4-H Center turned into a mission to the moon as they participated in Georgia 4-H’s Mission Make-It engineering challenge.
The Georgia 4-H Foundation has reached its fundraising goal for the restoration of the Rock Eagle Chapel, which was damage by fire in February. CAES News
Rock Eagle Chapel Restoration
A generous $200,000 gift from a prominent 4-H alumna and an outpouring of support at the 2019 4-H Gala catapulted the fundraising effort to rebuild the Rock Eagle Chapel at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center past its $400,000 goal on Aug. 10.
Jordan Smothers of Walton County won the 2019 Georgia 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest with his 135-pound watermelon. Amy Miller, far left, and Laicee Schell, both of Jeff Davis County, won second and third places with their 93- and 78-pound melons. CAES News
Watermelon Contest
With a watermelon weighing in at 135 pounds, Jordan Smothers of Walton County won the 2019 Georgia 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest.
As part of a Georgia 4-H urban-rural student exchange program, 24 students toured across the state this summer to visit agricultural businesses. The One Georgia program students are shown with Georgia Grown Chef Olivia Rader (center in apron) during a tour of the Georgia Department of Agriculture. CAES News
One Georgia
Twenty-four Georgia 4-H teenagers spent their summer in a unique agriculture-focused student exchange program without leaving the state. Funded by the Thalia and Michael C. Carlos Foundation, One Georgia 4-H is an urban-rural 4-H exchange program designed to showcase the importance of agriculture in rural and urban Georgia.
Georgia 4-H member Tandria Burke of Dougherty County was among the 4-H'ers who earned the title of Master 4-H'er during Georgia 4-H State Congress held July 23-26 in Atlanta. Burke competed in the Companion and Specialty Animals category. She is shown (left) with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension 4-H Agent for Dougherty County Jazmin Thomas. CAES News
Master 4-H'ers
After a year of hard work and dedication, 50 Georgia 4-H youths earned the coveted title of Master 4-H’er at Georgia 4-H State Congress held July 23-26, at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta Perimeter at Ravinia in Atlanta, Georgia.
Georgia 4-H'ers take a break on the steps of the Swan House during 4-H Day at the Atlanta History Center. CAES News
Atlanta History Center
It can sometimes seem like there are two Georgias — the one that revolves around metro Atlanta and the one that has more pine trees or peanut fields than people. But no matter how different the state’s urban and rural areas might seem, we all share history, and we have more in common than you might think.
Georgia students at the annual banquet honoring 4-H'ers. CAES News
Georgia 4-H State Congress
For 76 years, high school-aged Georgia 4-H’ers from across the state have gathered in the state capitol for state competition and recognition events. This year, the Georgia 4-H State Congress will be held July 23-26, at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta Perimeter at Ravinia in Atlanta, Georgia.