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491 results found for Economics and Money
FoodPICdirectorJimGratzek CAES News
FoodPIC Helps Startups
Jim Gratzek, director of the University of Georgia’s Food Product Innovation and Commercialization Center, earned his doctorate in food process engineering from UGA’s Department of Food Science and Technology. He returned to the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in 2022 after nearly 30 years in the commercial food industry, bringing a new perspective. In his experience, the biggest hurdle for new food entrepreneurs who don’t yet have sufficient working capital or manufacturing facilities is moving a product from concept to consumer.
Associate Professor Rhuanito Ferrarezi poses with a Gerber daisy grown by students in his 4050/6050 Greenhouse Management class in fall 2023. CAES News
Mastering Ornamentals
Like proud parents at a recital, undergraduate students in the upper-level University of Georgia “Greenhouse Management” class fussed around the hundreds of daisies, chrysanthemums, Gasteria succulents, snapdragons, dianthus and echinacea they had cultivated for their inaugural plant sale. The October sale, like the rearing of the plants from seedling plugs donated by green industry partners, was entirely student-planned and implemented.
Checking Yogurt Label CAES News
Food Labels
Do Nutrition Facts labels provide a complete picture of what "healthy" really means? And does the way information is provided on food labels change consumers' perceptions and purchasing behavior? Chen Zhen, a University of Georgia professor in food choice, obesity and health was awarded $794,000 to lead a four-year international study to better understand how the use of supplementary nutrition information on packaged food labels have unintended consequences across the socioeconomic spectrum.
A group of business-minded craft brewers attended a three-day brewing workshop in August that incorporated visits to local Athens breweries, including South Main Brewing, led by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Food Science and Technology (EFST) process specialist Kaitlyn Casulli (center front in red shirt). CAES News
Brewery Business
A new workshop brewed up by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension food science and technology process specialist Kaitlyn Casulli opened the tap on insider knowledge for craft brewers seeking to start a business. Casulli, an assistant professor in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Food Science and Technology, is a craft beer aficionado with a mind for business.
Some researchers estimate up to 70 percent of Americans die without a will, often creating complex legal issues for family members. CAES News
Estate Planning
Estate planning can be intimidating for some, and the statistics bear this out. Some researchers estimate up to 70% of Americans die without a will, often creating complex legal issues for family members. To address the issue, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and Fort Valley State University Cooperative Extension agents are offering a free, virtual workshop on Aug. 1.
IMG 7554 CAES News
2023 FABricate
Plantfi, a novel system to track plant moisture, sunlight and overall houseplant health, is the winner of University of Georgia’s 2023 FABricate Entrepreneurial Initiative competition. Alex Breazu, the UGA mechanical engineering student who leads Plantfi, got the idea while on his own “plant parent” journey, during which he overwatered and killed his fair share of houseplants.
UGA's agrileadHER program provides a platform for connection and community among women farmers. CAES News
agrileadHER Community
The University of Georgia’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences recently launched a virtual agrileadHER community platform to offer a welcoming space for women in farming and other agricultural professions. The new platform includes access to monthly webinars on a wide array of topics, from production to stress management, and an online community for women farmers from across the country to network.
Last year, UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences generated an economic impact of $686.3 million, divided between teaching ($241.3 million), research ($182.3 million) and outreach ($262.6 million) in the report. CAES News
CAES Research Innovation
The University of Georgia Office of Research recently announced a record-breaking fiscal year 2022 with more than a half billion dollars spent on research and development. The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences was responsible for $112.8 million of the total, up $13.8 million from fiscal year 2021 in overall money spent on research from all funding sources.
Fort Valley State FACS agents Brenda Maddox (left) and Keishon Thomas (right), a UGA Extension Family and Consumer Sciences agent in Bibb County, with a client at a workshop for the Georgia Farmers Initiative for Training and Sustainability (GA-FITS) program, which helps Georgians complete estate plans through estate planning education and technical assistance. CAES News
Estate Planning
While many people prefer to plan every detail of their lives, planning for death is not often high on the list. The statistics bear this out. According to the most recent data, the rate of Americans dying without a will, called intestacy, is between 40 to 70%, depending on factors such as race and income levels.