
Browse Economics and Money Stories - Page 8

491 results found for Economics and Money
Whether you're looking for a host or hostess gift for something for you secret Santa, UGA's Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest has some great recommendations. Visit for more information. CAES News
Local Gifts
Shop Flavor of Georgia products to find something for everyone on your shopping list or for your holiday party. Good taste never goes out of style, and there’s something that will appeal to all your friends and family.
Will Secor, assistant professor at the University of Georgia Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, conducts research that connects the larger global and national policy landscape to their impact of individual farmers and farm businesses CAES News
Focus on Management
William Secor, assistant professor at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, has built his career by analyzing the big business of small towns.
4-H'ers pose for a photo in the Life 101 conference held in north Georgia in 2019. Front; from left, Justin Murrillo, Carlos Perez, Maria Perez, Emily Nunez, Sara Wood, Savannah Griffin, Casey Page; middle row, from left, A.J. Reid, Colton Jones, Walker Jones, Jacob Lea, Garv Patel, Meah Hobbs, Danny Angeles, Collin Devlin; back row, from left, Ethan Hooker, Angelina Galvin, Adrianna Hernandez, Kevin Murrillo, Ashlyn Williams and Gabe Blackburn. CAES News
"Life 101"
Two University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices in rural counties in north and south Georgia are helping 4-H’ers realize the importance of financial literacy.
As of Aug. 1, Professor Jeffrey Dorfman is serving as the state fiscal economist of Georgia. CAES News
State Fiscal Economist
For three decades, University of Georgia students have relied on Professor Jeffrey Dorfman to help them apply sound economic reasoning to the world outside their classroom. As of Aug. 1, Dorfman is applying that economic reasoning to real-world problems and situations in the policy arena as the state fiscal economist of Georgia.
John Salazar joined UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences on May 1 as coordinator for the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics’ new hospitality and food industry management major. CAES News
Hospitality Major
After years of teaching and researching hospitality industry management at the University of South Carolina Beaufort, John Salazar knows hospitality is as much a science as it is an art.
Pine trees toppled over after Hurricane Michael in Wilcox County, Georgia. CAES News
No Relief
Agricultural producers in the region damaged most by Hurricane Michael are struggling to recover from this disaster without additional federal assistance, even as the 2019 spring planting season is now fully underway. A recent survey of Cooperative Extension county agents in Florida and Georgia showed that there is a great deal of continued uncertainty about future production in affected areas.
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is challenging its students — and students across the university — to become entrepreneurial groundbreakers through FABricate, a contest of student ideas to help feed the world. CAES News
FABricate Finale
On March 27, students from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will be sharing their business ideas with the rest of the university during the finale of CAES’ FABricate entrepreneurial competition on March 27 at UGA’s new Student Center for Entrepreneurship.
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean Sam Pardue congratulates Suzy Sheffield of Atlanta's Beautiful Briny Sea and Holly Hollifield on their grand prize win at Flavor of Georgia 2019. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia 2019
Suzi Sheffield and Atlanta’s Beautiful Briny Sea have taken the grand prize at the University of Georgia’s 2019 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest with Gunpowder Finishing Salt.
Attendees at the Farm Business Education Conference will learn about how to develop a business plan for their farming operation and receive tips from Agricultural lenders about how to successfully obtain operating lines, real estate and farm loans and working capital funding. CAES News
Farm Conference
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and UGA Cooperative Extension are partnering with the UGA Small Business Development Center to host a Farm Business Education Conference on Wednesday, Feb. 27 at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center.