
News Stories - Page 242

Small flocks of chicken can provide families with eggs, meat and hours of entertainment. CAES News
Keep backyard chicken flocks safe
Avian influenza has not been found in Georgia yet, but officials with the Georgia Department of Agriculture urge chicken producers, especially backyard flock owners, to remain vigilant and follow established safeguards to protect birds and their owners.
Orange Storm is a doubled-flowered quince that's cold hardy from zones 5 through 9 and are deer resistant. CAES News
There's a colorful storm brewing in the spring garden
Double Take Storm flowering quinces have the most shocking blooms you ever imagined. Three selections from the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center are ‘Scarlet Storm,’ ‘Pink Storm’ and ‘Orange Storm.’ They are all double flowered and will cause you to first think of a camellia. With a group of three that now fall under a series called Double Take, you will most likely find Double Take ‘Scarlet Storm.’
Stem cell treatment may restore vision to patients with damaged corneas
Researchers working as part of the University of Georgia’s Regenerative Bioscience Center have developed a new way to identify and sort stem cells that may one day allow clinicians to restore vision to people with damaged corneas using the patient’s own eye tissue. The UGA researchers published their findings in Biophysical Journal.
The garden at the Scott Site at Rock Eagle 4-H Center produces between 500 and 2,000 pounds. This garden staff is hoping to collect heirloom seeds from middle Georgia gardeners to make next year's crop more-resilient and historically accurate. CAES News
Eating locally begins with the home vegetable garden
Nothing could be more local –or make you more of a locavore – than eating locally grown produce that comes from your own garden plot. You may be thinking that you don’t have room for a garden, but I assure you that the vegetable garden has become “sweet ‘n’ neat” over the past few years for a couple of reasons.
Keith Mickler is the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Coordinator for Floyd County, Georgia. CAES News
Mickler honored by Georgia Green Industry Association
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agent Keith Mickler recently received the Communicator of the Year Award from the Georgia Green Industry Association (GGIA).
GGIA presented John Ruter (pictured) with the Vivian Munday/Buck Jones Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award, the association's most prestigious honor. CAES News
Georgia Green Industry Association recognizes industry leaders from UGA with awards
The Georgia Green Industry Association (GGIA) recently recognized University of Georgia professor John Ruter and UGA Cooperative Extension agent Keith Mickler for their service to the industry.
Leyland cypress trees grow as a property border in a lawn in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Landscape conifers still suffering drought stress despite recent rains
Although Georgia has received rainfall over the past few weeks, most of the state is still in a drought. The rain has improved the situation, but whether the rainfall will continue is uncertain.
'Mrs. Schiller's Delight' grows to about 3 feet tall and slightly wider. It becomes covered with white flowers that cause everyone to grab a camera. CAES News
Native to the South, 'Mrs. Schiller's Delight' is semi-evergreen, tough and tolerant.
‘Mrs. Schiller’s Delight’ is a tough-as-nails workhorse shrub that is pretty much evergreen, but in colder areas, they tend to be semi-evergreen to deciduous.
A picture of Thomas County 4-H members collecting supplies for the Concrete Cowboys project. CAES News
Thomas County 4-H assisting Concrete Cowboys project in Philadelphia
Georgia’s Thomas County 4-H is saddling up to assist at-risk teenagers in Philadelphia in becoming Concrete Cowboys by providing the program with supplies.

About the Newswire

The CAES newswire features the latest popular science and lifestyle stories relating to agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences as well as UGA Extension programs and services around the state.

Media Contacts

Cassie Ann Kiggen Chief Communications Officer
Jordan Powers Public Relations Coordinator & Writer