
News Stories - Page 240

Pesticide use is critical in controlling pests like thrips, whiteflies, aphids and beet armyworms. CAES News
UGA Extension stressing importance of keeping pesticides on target
As a result of two years of aggressive training to improve on-target agricultural pesticide applications, the number of pesticide drift complaints received by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has gone down 65 percent, according to UGA Extension weed specialist Stanley Culpepper.
Cotton being harvested. CAES News
Increase in exports main reason cotton prices are up
Georgia growers can expect to make at least 5 to 6 cents more per pound of cotton than they received this time last year, according to Don Shurley, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension cotton economist.
UGA climatologists have developed a new formula for calculating wet bulb temperature, which will help farmers protect their fruit crops from late freezes. CAES News
Climatologists work to demystify wet bulb temperature – the secret to efficient freeze protection for blueberries and peaches
Knowing wet bulb temperature could help farmers protect crops from hard freezes while saving money, water and energy.
Lizzy Isgar meets a cow while on the spring break ag tour at the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Weeklong tour teaches UGA CAES students about diversity of agriculture
Agriculture is Georgia’s top industry, and students from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are learning about the diversity of agriculture during a weeklong tour across the state.
Homegrown tomatoes are one of the most popular fruits available at roadside produce stands. CAES News
Picking the best tomato variety
Soon soil temperatures will be warm enough for planting those precious backyard tomatoes. Given the many options available, which variety and type of tomato should you choose?
Drip irrigation helps to keep soil and water from splashing on plants leaves, which helps cut down on plant disease. CAES News
Do-it-yourself irrigation on a budget
Many homeowners have a substantial investment in the various trees, shrubs and annuals in their landscape. Trying to keep these prized plants watered can sometimes be a challenge, especially in times of drought.
Jason Lessl, a program coordinator with the University of Georgia Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratory, explains the benefit of soil testing to a client. CAES News
Spring training for farmers
Spring gardening time is just around the corner. Georgians will be soon be reaching out to their county University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents to ask questions, troubleshoot problems with specific insects, weeds and plant diseases, and to test their soil and water.
Spring is right around the corner, and so are spring flowers, summer vegetables and all the gardening these seasons bring. CAES News
Choosing where to garden is essential to producing high-yielding crops
Selecting the best place to grow your garden is essential to producing high-yielding crops.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension turfgrass specialist Clint Waltz was among the UGA experts who presented their research findings at the Turfgrass Research Field Day on Thursday, Aug. 4. Waltz is shown explaining how commonly used products, like insect repellant, sunscreen, cooking oil and powdered Gatorade, can harm a turfgrass lawn. CAES News
Stimulate lawn growth early with aerification
If ever there was a year to seriously consider core aerification, this is it!

About the Newswire

The CAES newswire features the latest popular science and lifestyle stories relating to agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences as well as UGA Extension programs and services around the state.

Media Contacts

Cassie Ann Kiggen Chief Communications Officer
Jordan Powers Public Relations Coordinator & Writer