
News Stories - Page 154

UGA Extension cotton agronomist Jared Whitaker is researching ways to spread risk with cotton harvests in response to natural disasters. CAES News
UGA Extension to showcase cotton, peanut research during field day
Cotton and peanut farmers and industry personnel are invited to the University of Georgia Cotton and Peanut Research Field Day on Wednesday, Sept. 4, on the UGA Tifton campus.
Hay sampling is an important task for any Georgia producer. Seen here is hay sampling during the Southern Women in Ag program. CAES News
UGA Extension forage agronomist encourages producers to submit hay samples
During the Southeastern Hay Contest at the 2019 Sunbelt Ag Expo, Georgia hay producers have a chance to compare the quality of their hay and win cash prizes.
The Georgia 4-H Foundation has reached its fundraising goal for the restoration of the Rock Eagle Chapel, which was damage by fire in February. CAES News
Atlanta business leader helps Georgia 4-H reach goal for iconic chapel restoration
A generous $200,000 gift from a prominent 4-H alumna and an outpouring of support at the 2019 4-H Gala catapulted the fundraising effort to rebuild the Rock Eagle Chapel at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center past its $400,000 goal on Aug. 10.
UGA Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort estimates that Georgia’s peanut crop hasn’t been this dry this late in the growing season since 2014. Since approximately half of the state’s crop is planted in dryland fields, yields this year are expected to drop. CAES News
UGA Extension peanut agronomist cautions dryland producers about future of this year's crop
Current drought conditions could negatively influence Georgia peanut farmers’ plans for this year’s dryland crop, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort.
As of Aug. 1, Professor Jeffrey Dorfman is serving as the state fiscal economist of Georgia. CAES News
UGA’s Dorfman to provide in-depth economic forecasts, modeling as state fiscal economist
For three decades, University of Georgia students have relied on Professor Jeffrey Dorfman to help them apply sound economic reasoning to the world outside their classroom. As of Aug. 1, Dorfman is applying that economic reasoning to real-world problems and situations in the policy arena as the state fiscal economist of Georgia.
Jordan Smothers of Walton County won the 2019 Georgia 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest with his 135-pound watermelon. Amy Miller, far left, and Laicee Schell, both of Jeff Davis County, won second and third places with their 93- and 78-pound melons. CAES News
Walton County watermelon is the largest in statewide 4-H contest
With a watermelon weighing in at 135 pounds, Jordan Smothers of Walton County won the 2019 Georgia 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest.
UGA graduate student Jamie Morgan tests the water in an algae-filled pond on Bill Atkinson's farm in Dacula. CAES News
UGA Extension urges Georgians to keep animals away from ponds that may contain toxin-producing algae
The sudden and unexpected death of a Marietta, Georgia, couple’s beloved dog after swimming with its owners in Lake Allatoona has filled social media feeds since the incident on Aug. 10. The incident brings to light the dangers of toxic algae growth. In neighboring North Carolina, another couple lost three dogs in one day after an afternoon swim in a pond.
When cows are exposed to a temperature-humidity index above 68, their milk production begins to decrease. UGA animal and dairy scientists are searching for ways to ease heat stress and improve dairy productivity. CAES News
UGA-Tifton conducts research to help dairy cattle deal with heat stress
Georgia’s summer heat can make it hard to do almost anything outside and, for dairy cows, that includes producing milk. Heat stress is inevitable in the Southeast U.S., and the first week of August had temperatures soaring past 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Georgia Peanut Achievement Club honors farmers throughout the state who produced the highest yields. Pictured are the farmers, industry sponsors, UGA Peanut Team and Extension agents on August 10, 2019. CAES News
UGA honors producers at annual Georgia Peanut Achievement Club meeting
The University of Georgia Peanut Team honored Georgia’s top peanut producers this weekend at the annual Georgia Peanut Achievement Club meeting held on Jekyll Island, Georgia.

About the Newswire

The CAES newswire features the latest popular science and lifestyle stories relating to agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences as well as UGA Extension programs and services around the state.

Media Contacts

Cassie Ann Kiggen Chief Communications Officer
Jordan Powers Public Relations Manager