
Browse Urban Agriculture Stories - Page 15

171 results found for Urban Agriculture
Photos of seeds available at a recent seed swap at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. CAES News
Saving seeds
As more families grow their own food, there has been an increase in the number of people collecting their own seeds. Home gardeners who save their own seeds know exactly what plants they will be growing next year. Saving seeds also gives people a chance to swap seeds with other gardeners.
Will Ross, head grower at Evergreen Nursery in Statham, explains how a new automated micro-irrigation system developed by UGA researchers has helped him get these hostas — being grown for next spring — off to a good start. CAES News
Advanced Irrigation
A team of University of Georgia researchers has been able to reduce container nurseries’ water usage by 70 percent, as a result of new breakthroughs in computer-linked soil moisture sensors.
Glyphosate damage on tomato. CAES News
Herbicide Transfer
After fielding a number of calls and examining plant samples brought in to the Bartow County Extension Office, I have decided vegetable gardeners are probably better off not using hay or manure in their gardens.
Rainfall in April was near normal for most of Georgia. 
Drought conditions continued to shrink across the state during April due to the seasonal rainfall and cool spring temperatures; the only area of Georgia left in drought is a small sliver along southeast coast. CAES News
Drought almost gone
Drought conditions continued to shrink across the state during April due to the seasonal rainfall and cool spring temperatures; the only area of Georgia left in drought is a small sliver along southeast coast.
Metro-Atlanta students will soon have an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at one of the hottest, most popular foods on the market today — pizza. CAES News
Farm-to-table pizza experience
Metro-Atlanta students will soon have an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at one of the hottest, most popular foods on the market today — pizza.
UGA Cooperative Extension Specialists helped the Atlanta History Center to create an 1860s farmstead in the heart of Atlanta. CAES News
Sheep to Shawl - April 13
In the 1860s, farming was second nature to Georgians. The skills passed down from father to son and mother to daughter made life possible. But when the Atlanta History Center needed to learn a lifetime’s worth of historical farming skills to implement on the 1860s Smith Family Farm, they looked to the University of Georgia’s Cooperative Extension experts.
Food hubs aggregate produce from small farmers to meet larger produce orders, like those placed by schools, retailers and restaurants. CAES News
Food hub survey
Some Georgia farmers are looking to food hubs as a way to better market their produce and make the process of getting their produce to market more efficiently.
University of Georgia students and staff and other volunteers learn how to plant onions at a farm in Winterville, Ga., in 2009. CAES News
UGA at Georgia Organics
Sustainable agriculture experts and Extension specialists from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will be offering several workshops and classes at the 2013 Georgia Organics Conference.
Student working at UGA's organic demonstration farm at the Durham Horticulture Farm, at 1221 Hog Mountain Road in Watkinsville. CAES News
Sustainable ag workshops
Wondering how to start a successful, small-herd cattle operation? Want to learn how to defeat the hornworms that attacked your tomatoes last year? Or are you worried about finding customers for this year’s bumper crop of cucumbers?