
News Stories - Page 232

University of Georgia graduate student Zach Matteen conducted trials on 11 varieties of winter squash at UGA's Durham Horticulture Farm in Watkinsville, Georgia, on land used to grow organic crops. Matteen tested winter squash varieties 'Waltham' butternut, 'Zeppelin' delicata, 'Metro PMR' butternut, Seminole pumpkin, Choctaw sweet potato, 'Thai Kang Kob' tropical pumpkin, 'Thelma Sanders' sweet potato and a fifth-generation cross of 'Waltham' butternut and Seminole pumpkin. He found that the two sweet potato squashes and Seminole, tropical and tan cheese pumpkins held up best against squash pests and diseases. CAES News
UGA researcher identifies healthiest winter squash varieties
By determining the varieties best suited for the area, University of Georgia graduate student Zach Matteen is on a mission to convince more backyard gardeners and farmers to grow winter squash. He has found that Seminole, tropical and tan cheese pumpkins, as well as Choctaw and 'Thelma Sanders' sweet potato squashes, hold up best against squash pests and diseases.
Snakes are a vital part of Georgia's ecosystem but most people don't want more snakes than necessary in their landscapes. To discourage snakes, keep landscapes well trimmed, clean and free of food or debris that could attract mice, rats or other snake prey. This albino corn snake is rare but native to Georgia. CAES News
Snake sighting? Keep calm and mow on to avoid unwanted human and snake interactions
Not many animals elicit the extreme emotional response that snakes do, but the truth is they’re an ordinary part of the landscape in Georgia.
UGA Extension peanut entomologist Mark Abney does a demonstration on insect scouting. CAES News
UGA Insect Scouting Schools to be held in Tifton and Midville, Georgia
The annual University of Georgia Insect Scouting Schools are open to farmers, consultants and those interested in learning how to diagnose insect damage on high-value agricultural crops like cotton, peanuts and soybeans.
'Gold Doubloon' in bloom. CAES News
'Gold Doubloon' gardenia can light up your landscape
If you have been fascinated by the idea of finding a gold doubloon, I’ve got one for you, and it is of a stunning gardenia variety. The ‘Gold Doubloon’ — or “double” as the word suggests — gardenia gives you dazzling color with gold and green foliage and large, tantalizingly aromatic flowers.
'Inferno' coleus looks striking against the lime green of this 'Sidekick' ornamental sweet potato foliage.
  CAES News
'Inferno' coleus has stunning orange foliage of perfection
There is an ‘Inferno’ of color this spring coming from a coleus that racked up quite a number of perfect scorecards. ‘Inferno’ hasn’t been out long, but already it has heads turning, especially when you consider that it was total perfection in University of Georgia, University of Tennessee and Michigan State University trials.
There are two basic types of aerification, hollow and solid tine. With hollow tine a soil core is removed, while with solid tine aerification a hole is created and no core is removed. With both types, a void in the soil is created that allows air and water to more deeply penetrate the root zone. The aeration benefits are longer lasting with hollow tine (pictured) due to the removal of the core. CAES News
Turfgrass will benefit from aerification
Last year many lawns across the state didn’t receive enough rainfall for the grass to grow, photosynthesize and make carbohydrate reserves. Turfgrass that experienced this lack of rainfall will likely be slow to green up this spring. If rainfall totals return to normal this spring, lawns will recover, but they may do so at a slower rate because the production of reserves was compromised last fall. For example, a lawn that would typically be fully green and growing in mid-May might take until late May or June to green up. A two- to four-week delay in green-up of warm-season grasses may be common this spring.
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Congressional Agricultural Fellows, from left, Taylor Teague, Zane Tackett, Ashley Smith, Andy Paul, Hayley Nielsen, Makinizi Hoover and Jim Henderson will spend 12 weeks this summer working with Georgia congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C. CAES News
UGA students commit to public service this summer as Congressional Agricultural Fellows
Seven University of Georgia students studying in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have embarked on the opportunity of a lifetime — serving as Congressional Agricultural Fellows in Washington, D.C.
Cotton is watered on the UGA Tifton campus in 2014. Irrigation equipment needs to be serviced before the production season begins. CAES News
Cotton yields not impacted by decreased irrigation during the early season
Decreasing irrigation for cotton crops during the early season may not affect yields and could save growers more than 54,000 gallons of water per acre, according to University of Georgia researchers.
Layby equipment being used in corn. CAES News
Layby herbicide programs help corn growers control weeds, improve profits
Layby herbicide programs allow Georgia field corn growers to better control weeds throughout the growing season, according to Brooke Jeffries, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources agent in Wheeler County, Georgia.

About the Newswire

The CAES newswire features the latest popular science and lifestyle stories relating to agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences as well as UGA Extension programs and services around the state.

Media Contacts

Cassie Ann Kiggen Chief Communications Officer
Jordan Powers Public Relations Coordinator & Writer