
News Stories - Page 209

Snow coats leaves in March 2009 in Athens, Ga. CAES News
North Georgia landscapes suffer damage from December snowfall.
North Georgia landscapes have been either dusted or covered with snow this December. Now, homeowners are dealing with the damage that trees and shrubs suffered as a result of heavy, wet snowfall causing vulnerable branches to bend and break.
UGA Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells communicates regularly to industry leaders and Georgia pecan farmers through his blog at He provides updates on timely topics like pecan prices, what pests to watch for and his observations on the crop's harvest. CAES News
Blogs an effective communication tool for Extension agents
For University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialists and agents, blogs are a vital tool for quickly getting information out to Georgia producers.
Through the "Trees for Bees" project, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents are teaching children and adults how to create pollinator habitats. To promote a diverse pollinator habitat, plant pollinator-friendly plants, provide nesting boxes for cavity-nesting bees, leave spots of bare ground for ground-nesting bees and allow winter weeds to bloom to increase floral resources. CAES News
Pollinators need more than pollen and nectar to survive and help produce food for people
Pollinators are essential to the production of native plants and food crops. To help pollinators like bees and butterflies do their jobs of moving pollen, home gardeners can provide a habitat that provides water and shelter.
Spring is right around the corner, and so are spring flowers, summer vegetables and all the gardening these seasons bring. CAES News
A pollinator-friendly garden can be created in the shade
For homeowners surrounded by shade, pollinator-friendly landscapes can seem unattainable, but they don’t have to be. Landscapes graced with trees and an abundance of shade can be great resources for pollinators, too.
Leslie Edgar is the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences department head for the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication. CAES News
Leslie Edgar is new head for Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication at UGA
Leslie Edgar joins the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as the new department head for the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication.
The 'Patti Faye' deodar cedar has a classic Christmas tree shape. CAES News
Live Christmas trees can become part of the landscape after the holidays
Container-grown or balled-and-burlapped Christmas trees can be planted as landscape trees after the holidays. This is practical in Georgia, where the mild December or early January weather is ideal for tree planting.
Terrariums are like tiny, desktop greenhouses. The plants grow and change as time goes by, making it a holiday gift that your friend or family member can enjoy all year. You can make terrariums as personal as you want, and even better, as inexpensive as you'd like. All it takes is a little bit of craftiness, plant material and a glass container. CAES News
Tiny gardens make perfect gifts for the holidays
Are you looking for a unique last-minute gift for the holidays? If your recipient loves plants but has a black thumb, a terrarium may be the perfect gift.
The research team, led by University of Georgia's Steven Stice and Augusta University's Nasrul Hoda, created a treatment called "AB126" using extracellular vesicles (EV), fluid-filled structures known as exosomes, which are generated from human neural stem cells.  CAES News
UGA CAES' Steven Stice named National Academy of Inventors Fellow
The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) has named Steven Stice, Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar and director of the UGA Regenerative Bioscience Center, to the 2017 class of NAI Fellows.
Other than being the creator of the Tie-Dye for Troops program, Sophia Rodriguez is a member of Georgia 4-H's performing arts group, Clovers and Company, and participates as a military ambassador and a Health Rocks! ambassador. She lives in Liberty County, Georgia, and competes in 4-H land judging, forestry judging and poultry judging. CAES News
Liberty County 4-H student uses outreach project to help military children
Sophia Rodriguez’s 4-H project hit close to home for the Liberty County, Georgia, senior.

About the Newswire

The CAES newswire features the latest popular science and lifestyle stories relating to agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences as well as UGA Extension programs and services around the state.

Media Contacts

Cassie Ann Kiggen Chief Communications Officer
Jordan Powers Public Relations Coordinator & Writer