
Browse Health and Family Stories - Page 9

341 results found for Health and Family
The tiny Asian longhorned tick (left) compared to the common Lonestar tick. CAES News
Asian Longhorned Tick
As of Sept. 21, an invasive and dangerous pest, the Asian longhorned tick, has been confirmed in north Georgia. Experts are warning livestock producers and the public to be on the lookout, as the ticks can kill an animal by attaching to a host by the hundreds.
Tamlin and Mr. 2 17 at Doppler Studios in Atlanta GA CAES News
Hope Givers
This National Suicide Prevention Month, University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences alum Tamlin Hall has launched a new documentary series for middle and high schoolers, exploring anxiety, depression, bullying, human trafficking, inclusion and more.
Uttam Saha displays radon samples in the AESL's liquid scintillation counter, which measures radioactivity in water samples. CAES News
UGA Radon Program
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s radon testing program — a holistic program that combines radon education outreach with research, testing and mitigation — has helped optimize sampling and testing methodology for radon in water throughout the U.S. The program has influenced national standards in radon testing.
Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can lead to the inability to focus in class, headache or fatigue, and possibly overeating once they make it to a meal or snack. CAES News
Breakfast Tips
We’ve all heard it before, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But what really happens when students skip meals?
Using hypothesis-driven data mining, a UGA research team led by Xiangyu Deng of UGA’s Center for Food Safety analyzed over 30,000 genomes of Salmonella Enteritidis obtained from global sources and the international trade of live poultry over five decades. CAES News
Salmonella Study
Researchers at the University of Georgia have provided multifaceted evidence to suggest the likely origins behind the global spread of Salmonella Enteritidis, which has caused recurring outbreaks of the foodborne pandemic linked to poultry products.
Jennifer Thompson (left), associate research scientist in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and Tim Griffeth (green shirt), an agriculture teacher at North Oconee High School, are among those working in UGArden. CAES News
Grow It Know It
As a kindergarten teacher, Robin Edens was an outlier in the group of mostly middle and high school teachers at the University of Georgia learning how to introduce food-based learning to their students.
With so many electronic devices and indoor activities vying for children's time, it's more important than ever for parents to encourage kids to explore the outdoors. CAES News
Play Outside
National Play Outside Day happens a dozen times a year — it's that important. The next occurrence is August 7, and as the summer season winds down, it's a good time to make a habit of active play as a family.
Diane Bales, a UGA Extension human development specialist, says that children who don't get enough sleep can feel irritable and lack concentration. On average, school-aged children need about 12 hours of sleep. CAES News
Sleep Solutions
With homework, activities, increased screen time and other demands, it’s harder than ever to make sure children get enough sleep. But it’s vital to their development. Sometimes behavior problems seem to come out of nowhere, but often it’s as simple as sleep deprivation, said Diane Bales, an associate professor of human development with the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences and UGA Cooperative Extension.
Georgia First Lady and UGA graduate Marty Kemp's support for Georgia 4-H and Georgia FFA led to the establishment of a First Flock of laying hens at the Governor's Mansion in Atlanta. CAES News
First Flock
Thanks to a prize-winning chicken coop design by 4-H and FFA students from Warren County, Georgia’s newly established First Flock now has a stately home on the 18-acre grounds of Governor’s Mansion in Atlanta.