
Browse Health and Family Stories - Page 26

343 results found for Health and Family
Air Plant, Tillandsia CAES News
Gift Plants
Around the holiday season, many people feel gift-block. Maybe it’s the pressure of having to find gifts that loved ones will appreciate or having to find a gift last minute. Whatever the case may be, a houseplant makes a fantastic gift.
The Rose Garden, and all the other gardens, at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah, Georgia, are adorned with lights for the holiday season. The light show, called “Jewel in a Savannah Christmas,” runs from 6 to 9 p.m. on select evenings from Friday, Nov. 24 through Christmas Eve, Dec. 24. CAES News
Savannah Light Show
Once again, the beauty of the holidays is captured in more than 1 million lights across the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens (CGBG) at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah, Georgia. The light show, called “Jewel in a Savannah Christmas,” runs from 6 to 9 p.m. on select evenings from Friday, Nov. 24 through Christmas Eve, Dec. 24.
Holiday Exercise
November and December seem to be the time of year that everyone throws their exercise routines to the wind. Putting together parties, buying presents and preparing tons of good food makes it tough for anyone to set aside time for exercise.
Propane-fired turkey fryers on display in a sporting goods store in Macon, Georgia. CAES News
Fried Turkeys
Frying a holiday turkey may sound like fun, but it can be tricky. Here are a few tips from University of Georgia experts to help make sure your bird is thoroughly cooked and your holiday doesn't include a trip to the emergency room or a call to the fire department.
For a less stressful holiday, prepare and freeze holiday meals and treats in advance. Freezing prepared foods allows you the satisfaction of serving homemade meals with the convenience of store-bought ones, says University of Georgia Professor and Extension Food Safety Specialist Elizabeth Andress. CAES News
Holiday Meals
Picture yourself stress-free during the holidays because you prepared and froze holiday meals and treats in advance. Freezing prepared foods allows you the satisfaction of homemade meals with the convenience of store-bought ones.
National 2017 4-H Youth in Action Citizenship winner Amelia Day is a recent high school graduate from Fort Valley, Georgia. As a Georgia 4-H member, she created Operation: Veteran Smiles, a project that provides care packages to veterans in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals. CAES News
4-H Week
Six million students across America participate in 4-H and, of those, more than 170,000 call Georgia home. To raise awareness of the state’s largest youth development organization, the week of Oct. 1-7 has been declared National 4-H Week.
Associate Professor Franklin West (left) and Emily Baker working with induced pluripotent stem cells generated from a patient's own somatic cells. CAES News
New Stroke Model
It is well-known in the medical field that the pig brain shares certain physiological and anatomical similarities with the human brain. So similar are the two that researchers at the University of Georgia’s Regenerative Bioscience Center have developed the first U.S. pig model for stroke treatments...
A $20 million National Science Foundation grant funds the Engineering Research Center for Cell Manufacturing Technologies (CMaT). The consortium is designed to hasten the development of advanced cell therapies for chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. CAES News
CMaT Formed
Steven Stice to lead University of Georgia's Regenerative Bioscience Center researchers in consortium designed to hasten the development of advanced cell therapies for chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.
The only way to know that beef is truly cooked is by checking its temperature with a thermometer. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends cooking all whole-muscle cuts of beef to a minimum of 145 degrees Fahrenheit and all ground beef products and enhanced or blade-tenderized products to a minimum of 160 F. CAES News
Grilling Safety
It’s football season, and tailgating before a game is a traditional part of the experience. Unfortunately, grilling your favorite cut of beef means increasing the potential for foodborne illness due to improper handling of food. These reminders from the University of Georgia Meat Science and Technology Center will provide you with grilling skills to keep foodborne illness far from your fall tailgating get-togethers.