
Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 60

990 results found for Lawn and Garden
Tif-Blair centipedegrass CAES News
Cold-damaged turf
Lawns in Metro Atlanta and north Georgia counties covered in warm-season grasses like centipedegrass or St. Augustinegrass will likely show signs of cold damage this spring as a result of the recent snow and ice storms, says University of Georgia Extension turfgrass specialist Clint Waltz.
Peaches hang in a south Georgia orchard July 2009. This year's cold winter has benefitted the state's peach crop. CAES News
Peach Crop
Georgia’s peach crop will benefit from the cooler-than-normal winter. While temperatures have already hovered near or below freezing throughout the state on numerous nights this year, peach trees are thriving with their needed cooling hours.
Spring is around the corner, and University of Georgia Extension has a new app to help families and outdoor enthusiasts make the most of those first springtime hikes.
“Native Plants of North Georgia,” now available for iPad, iPhone and Android devices, is a consumer-oriented field guide of the flowers, trees, ferns and shrubs that populate North Georgia's yards and forests. CAES News
Native Plants of North Georgia
Spring is around the corner, and University of Georgia Extension has a new app to help families and outdoor enthusiasts make the most of those first springtime hikes.
Members of Stanley Culpepper's team conducts a trial that is comparing methyl bromide to Paladin Pic, Trifecta, and the UGA 3-WAY. CAES News
Herbicide Drift
Keeping herbicides from drifting off target is the law and “it’s the neighborly thing to do,” says a University of Georgia weed specialist.
First-year honey bees from the hive of backyard beekeeper Calvin King of Albany. CAES News
Bee School
The Southwest Georgia Beekeepers Club will hold a bee school on March 29 from 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Parks at Chehaw in Albany, Ga.
Ice covers plants outside the University of Georgia Extension office in Thomas County after the winter storm on Jan. 28, 2014. CAES News
Don't Prune Yet
A hard freeze sure can make landscapes look bad. The best advice for now is the “wait and see approach.” Give the plants time to recover, oh let’s say, until spring. No good will be done from pruning away what you think is dead; it may still be alive.
This diagram shows the locations and numbered sequence of cuts to remove a branch from a tree. CAES News
Pruning Classes
Learn how to properly prune ornamentals at an upcoming University of Georgia course offered on its campus in Griffin, Ga. The one-day course will be offered Feb. 21 and Feb. 28 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the UGA Research and Education Garden on Ellis Road.
In this file photo, an array of pesticides are lined on the shelves of a Griffin, Ga., feed and seed store. CAES News
Pesticide Applicator Classes
Certified pesticide applicators need recertification training and credits to keep their licenses up-to-date. To help provide this training, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has planned pesticide applicator recertification classes in Savannah, Griffin and Cartersville this February.
Tomato transplants grown from seeds are ready to begin an adjustment to outdoor temperatures. CAES News
Start Seeds Now
Even though we still have chilly days ahead, seasoned gardeners can plan now for their spring gardens by shopping for seeds and planting them indoors.