
Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 61

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Thrips are tiny winged insects that feed chiefly on plants. Many species damage cultivated plants, by either sucking the sap or transmitting viral plant diseases. Thrips reach a maximum length of about half an inch. Most have two pairs of long, narrow, hair-fringed wings. CAES News
Thrips Damage
A tiny insect proved to be a formidable foe for Georgia farmers in 2013. Whether thrips will deliver a similar punch in 2014 remains to be seen. There are more than 7,000 species of thrips, but only two cause problems for Georgia farmers and UGA researchers — tobacco thrips and western flower thrips.
Jean Williams-Woodward, UGA CAES plant pathologist, examines impatience plant roots for signs of disease in greenhouse, Athens Campus, October 27, 2009. CAES News
Gardening Symposium
University of Georgia plant pathologist Jean Williams-Woodward will be among the experts presenting at The Inspired Gardener symposium set for Feb. 22 at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.
A roll of freshly harvested sod CAES News
Sod Survey
If your spring landscape plans include installing sodded turfgrass, you can expect to pay more this year, according to a University of Georgia and Georgia Urban Ag Council survey.
Tomato plants in pots at various sizes CAES News
Small Gardens
Unfortunately, many would-be gardeners forgo planting a vegetable garden because they don’t think they have enough space. This need not be the case, since many vegetable varieties can be planted in small spaces. Alternative growing practices can also reduce the amount of space needed to grow a backyard (or back porch) garden.
Sleet encases a branch of a leyland cypress tree in Jackson, Ga. CAES News
Plant Protection
To help protect landscape plants from Georgia’s cold temperatures, University of Georgia Extension experts recommend using plastic, straw and, strangely enough, water.
Limited Gardening
Do you limit your gardening habits because of physical, time or space limitations? The up-coming Gardening with Limitations class in Putnam County will help you overcome these obstacles.
Jim and Barbara Andrews, center with red ribbons, helped to break ground on the Andrews Visitor and Education Center at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah on Nov. 24, 2013. 
The center, which was funded with a gift from the Andrews, will serve as center of learning and social activity as the garden undergoes major renovations over the next several years. CAES News
Georgia Coastal Botanical Garden
For 100 years, a 50-acre, bamboo-studded tract of U.S. Highway 17 outside of Savannah has been attracting plant enthusiasts, scientists and day-trippers to the southeast corner of Georgia.
A diseased leaf on a tree at the University of Georgia's Southeast Research and Education Center in Midville, Ga. CAES News
Chocolate Leaves
Using leaves from landscape plants to mold chocolate leaves for your holiday desserts may awe guests, but University of Georgia food safety specialists say it isn’t worth the health risks.
Camellias add both green shrubby and color to landscapes with their leaves and blooms. CAES News
Plant Right
How a shrub or tree is planted determines whether it dies, struggles to grow or takes off and thrives.