
Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 57

990 results found for Lawn and Garden
Pesticide Precautions
Last month, a Jefferson County woman died and her three grandchildren were sickened after a pesticide, labeled for agricultural use only, was used to kill insects inside their home. Unfortunately, this tragic story now serves as an opportunity for University of Georgia Extension agents like myself to stress the importance of following label instructions on pesticides and other chemicals.
Calvin Perry, superintendent of the UGA Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Georgia, speaks about center pivot irrigation during 4-H20 camp held on Tuesday. CAES News
4H20 Camp
Southwest Georgia 4-Hers were soaked with information this week as they learned about one of the world’s most prized resources — water.
Wildflowers grow on a hillside at the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Wildflower Planting
Whether you plant wildflowers in huge swaths along roadsides or in tiny pocket gardens in the backyard, the vibrant colors and rich mixtures these hardy plants bring are sure to please any flower-lover’s eye and attract beneficial pollinating insects
Georgia's Master Gardener Extension Volunteers were invited to the University of Georgia's campus in Griffin on June 5 for a 35th Anniversary celebration. In true form, the volunteers spent the day learning from UGA experts so they can continue to help educate the public on the latest research-based information. CAES News
Master Gardener Anniversary
For the past 100 years, Georgia gardeners have relied on their local University of Georgia Extension agents for advice on everything from how to treat for Japanese beetles to which tomato variety makes for the best ‘mater sandwich. But answering all of those gardening questions could be a little overwhelming if it weren’t for a group of dedicated trained volunteers.
Ambrosia beetle damage on a fig tree. CAES News
Fig Pest
Backyard fig gardeners may be seeing toothpick-like spines protruding from their beloved fig trees. This is a sign that ambrosia beetles are boring into the tree’s stems.
Termites feed on pieces of wood in garden soil. CAES News
Termite Behavior
Homeowners who tackle termites may think the tiny insects spend their days eating wood. But a University of Georgia entomologist says 80 percent of the time they do absolutely nothing.
Planting for Drought Tolerance
While Georgia is not currently experiencing drought conditions, it still makes good environmental sense to select drought-tolerant larger shrubs as the cornerstones of your landscape design.
Dario Chavez, the University of Georgia's new peach specialist, holds a few of the first crop of 2014 Georgia peaches. CAES News
Peach Specialist
As the University of Georgia’s new peach specialist, Dario Chavez’s first order of business is to listen. While he’s waiting for the new research orchard on the UGA Griffin Campus to be planted and develop, Chavez is hearing what Georgia peach growers have to say and planning projects to meet their needs.
Poison ivy grows up a tree in Jackson, Ga. CAES News
Destroy Weeds
Growing a vegetable garden consists of more than just keeping the plants healthy. It’s also about making sure the weeds don’t take over.