
Browse Personal Finance and Budgeting Stories - Page 7

202 results found for Personal Finance and Budgeting
Tim Coolong holds a bell pepper and tomato. Both vegetables, grown on the UGA Tifton Campus, show symptoms of blossom end rot. CAES News
Blossom End Rot
Georgia’s bell pepper farmers experienced a setback in production this spring. According to University of Georgia vegetable horticulturist Tim Coolong, some Georgia growers experienced losses of up to 25 percent due to blossom end rot — a calcium-related disorder.
UGA Cooperative Extension has great ideas on how to prepare healthy, family-pleasing meals on a budget and is offering a cooking class for busy families July 18 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center. CAES News
Saturday at the Rock
While summer may mean more relaxed schedules, later bedtimes and little more time to spend on weeknight suppers, but the new school year will be here soon.
Georgia's Vidalia onions are available to purchase now. To keep their sweet taste around all year long, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension food safety experts say to store them in the freezer. CAES News
Vidalia Onion Crop
Heavy rainfall and high winds contributed to Georgia farmers growing fewer Vidalia onions this year, but demand for the popular vegetable and low yields for Texas onions helped keep prices steady.
Tim Coolong, UGA vegetable horticulturist, looks for squash in a plot on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Squash Research
A University of Georgia vegetable horticulturist is searching for new squash varieties to help Georgia farmers improve the state’s $24.7 million squash industry.
Kale is being researched on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Georgia Kale
A “green superfood” is making its way into the mainstream and into the fields of southwest Georgia farms, according to a University of Georgia vegetable expert. Increased consumer demand in connection with its many health benefits has Georgia farmers planting, and selling, more of the leafy green.
Fresh vegetables grown organically by an Elijay, Ga., farmer CAES News
Community of Opportunity
University of Georgia Extension is connecting vegetable farmers and impoverished families in Dougherty County, Georgia. The desired results are improved eating habits for this southwest Georgia community and a new market for producers.
Food hubs aggregate produce from small farmers to meet larger produce orders, like those placed by schools, retailers and restaurants. CAES News
Food Hub Plan
The Food Bank of Northeast Georgia’s food hub, housed in its Rabun County facility, will be the first in the country to leverage a regional food bank’s supply chain to help farmers aggregate and preserve their produce. In partnership with University of Georgia Extension, the organizations will join forces to increase access to local food and local jobs.
Pictured is a tent-like structure used as shading for bell pepper research on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Bell Pepper Shading
University of Georgia horticulturist Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez has found that covering bell peppers with shading nets increases yields, extends the growing season and makes for more attractive fruit.
Michael Rupured headshot CAES News
Loves Teaching Teachers
Michael Rupured, UGA Extension Consumer Economics Specialist and Senior Public Service Associate, has been named the Postsecondary Teacher of the Year by the Georgia Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences. Rupured was presented the award at the GATFCS annual conference in Savannah earlier this month.