
Browse Personal Finance and Budgeting Stories - Page 2

202 results found for Personal Finance and Budgeting
Georgia 4-H'er Malavika Balamurali displays the dish she cooked during a virtual session of "Adulting 101," a virtual youth development series for 4-H youth that teaches life skills. CAES News
Adulting 101
Adulting is hard.
Leigh Anne Aaron (right), a UGA Cooperative Extension agent serving Morgan and Oconee counties, assists Oconee County resident Hallie Adams with tax preparation as part of the UGA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. CAES News
Helping Georgians
Rayce Foster could sense the anxiety in the couple through the computer screen.
Blake Ertzberger, a financial planning major and student service provider in the UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences, gets instruction from Joan Koonce, a FACS professor and UGA Extension financial planning specialist, as part of the VITA program at UGA. CAES News
Free Tax Prep
University of Georgia students are again helping Georgia taxpayers by offering free tax preparation services through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.
Renato Garcia and Joanna Ortiz participated in Elevate training as part of Project F.R.E.E. (Photo by Kristina Arjona) CAES News
Federally funded project to aid Georgia couples
A team of University of Georgia faculty in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences aims to provide Georgia couples with healthy relationship skills and financial guidance with the help of a five-year, $6.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Since the Congressional Agricultural Fellowship program’s inception in 1997, the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has helped develop new generations of agricultural policymakers by providing them with the opportunity to gain real-world experience at the highest level. Current Congressional Agricultural Fellows Grace Dodds (left) and Julie Bacon pose in front of UGA's Delta Hall in Washington, D.C. CAES News
2020 Congressional Ag Fellows
Four undergraduate students from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are representing the college in Washington, D.C., serving as 2020 CAES Congressional Agricultural Fellows.
Retirement Plans
Because of the negative impact of the COVID-19 crisis on America, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law to provide emergency relief to individuals and businesses.
Barriers removed
Several weeks before the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) provided provisions to remove barriers to testing and treatment of COVID-19.
According to the latest IRS data, nearly eight out of every 10 Americans will receive a tax refund. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts suggest using smart strategies to maximize your refund. CAES News
2020 Tax Deadline
The U.S. Treasury Department and the IRS have extended the deadline for filing and paying 2019 income tax liability three months — from April 15 to July 15.
Decatur County farmer Bobby Barber, Jr., tells local University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Nan Bostick about the day Hurricane Michael struck his farm. Bostick joined the Extension office last spring says the farmers in her county have shown her that they are resilient, positive, and are going to start over and do everything they can to be even better. "We might be bruised, but we are not broken,” she said. CAES News
Rural Stress
Much like their counterparts across the nation, farmers in Georgia have experienced increased rates of suicide and stress over the last decade. To help curb these statistics, University of Georgia faculty are working to understand the causes of rural stress and to build systems that can help rural communities support community members in crisis.