
News Stories - Page 291

UGA horticulturist among workshop presenters at annual Georgia Organics conference
University of Georgia horticulturist David Knauft will be among the organic agriculture experts presenting at the 2016 Georgia Organics Conference set for Feb. 26-27 in Columbus, Georgia.
Pictured is a dry land peanut field in east Tift County on Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014. CAES News
Cool soils, not poor seed quality, likely the cause of poor peanut stands
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort insists that poor peanut plant stands in Georgia may not necessarily be due to seed quality.
Here is a picture of a  peach tree orchard. CAES News
Misdiagnosis of phony peach disease could have costly impact for peach growers
University of Georgia plant pathologist Phil Brannen is concerned that Georgia peach growers can’t tell the difference between phony peach disease and weevil or nematode damage. A consequence could be that farmers unnecessarily destroy trees and potential fruit.
USDA Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden, center, and Georgia delegate Ronni Davis-Frank, right, listen to Maritza Soto Keen, a work session moderator from the UGA J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development, at the Southern Region Women's Agricultural Leadership Summit on Feb. 8. CAES News
UGA summit on women in agriculture pulls attendees from across the Southeast
More than 150 agricultural leaders from across 13 Southern states and Washington, D.C., convened on the University of Georgia’s campus in Athens on Feb. 8 to discuss how to increase leadership roles for women in agriculture.
Vidalia® Onion Committee Director Susan A. Waters is shown awarding Vidalia Onion Hall of Fame honors to Scott Angle. The former dean of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences was selected for the award based on his contributions to the industry by providing critical crop research and extension programs, Waters said. CAES News
Scott Angle, former UGA ag school dean, named to Vidalia® Onion Hall of Fame
J. Scott Angle, former dean and director of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, has been inducted to the Vidalia® Onion Hall of Fame by The Vidalia® Onion Committee. Angle’s induction was announced during the committee’s annual awards banquet held on Feb. 6 at the Hawk's Point Golf Club in Vidalia, Georgia.
A farmer uses his tractor to bushhog a pasture in Butts County, Ga. CAES News
UGA offers small business expertise to farmers
The University of Georgia is combining its expertise in agriculture and economic development into a one-day conference later this month.
Farmers can get easy access to the latest research-based agriculture advice through a number of mobile apps available from the University of Georgia and other land-grant universities. UGA entomologist Michael Toews helps create these apps and holds workshops to share them with Georgia county agents and growers. Toews is shown (standing) sharing a mobile app with UGA Extension agent Lanier Jordan. CAES News
UGA Extension agents use a variety of mobile apps to help farmers manage crops
Two days a week, University of Georgia researcher Michael Toews searches for and tests mobile apps on his smartphone and works on developing new mobile apps, all in an effort to help Georgia farmers manage their crops more efficiently.
Although January was drier than normal across the state, some areas of Georgia, specifically Atlanta and Alma, received more rain than normal. CAES News
January 2016 saw the return of nearly normal winter weather to Georgia
After a record-setting warm December 2015, January 2016 in Georgia was slightly cooler and drier than normal. While El Niño conditions mean a continuation of slightly cooler-than-normal conditions in February, it should also mean a wetter-than-normal month.
The turf used inside Sanford Stadium in Athens is Tifway 419, a variety developed in Tifton, Georgia. CAES News
Super Bowl 50 to be played on UGA Tifton turfgrass
The University of Georgia is world renown for its turfgrass breeding program so much so that the cultivars of grass produced by the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are used in high profile sporting arenas and golf courses worldwide. This weekend, millions of viewers will see one of the college's most accomplished turfgrasses in action, as the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers play in Super Bowl 50.

About the Newswire

The CAES newswire features the latest popular science and lifestyle stories relating to agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences as well as UGA Extension programs and services around the state.

Media Contacts

Cassie Ann Kiggen Chief Communications Officer
Jordan Powers Public Relations Manager