Published on 03/24/16

UGA Extension experts among presenters at Georgia Urban Ag and Outdoor Expo

The Georgia Urban Ag and Outdoor Expo seeks to educate the public on the roles that urban and traditional farming play in supplying food to a continually growing nation. To that end, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension poultry scientist Claudia Dunkley and UGA Extension agent Steve Pettis will be among the host of presenters at the event.

The expo is set for Friday and Saturday, May 20-21, from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

At UGA, Dunkley works closely with the poultry industry and has given workshops and symposia for UGA Extension agents and poultry producers since 2007. With poultry producers, she conducts applied research on greenhouse gas emissions, the industry’s carbon footprint, litter management, dead bird disposal and molting commercial layer flocks.

She will present a seminar on laying hens on Friday, May 20, and a session on backyard poultry biosecurity on Saturday, May 21.

A former Gwinnett County Extension agent, Pettis earned a bachelor’s degree in ornamental horticulture and a master’s degree in plant protection and pest management at UGA while working with highly esteemed horticulturists Allan Armitage and Mike Dirr. He is currently the UGA Extension agent in Rockdale County.

Pettis will lead pesticide applicator training on Friday, May 20.

The Upper Ocmulgee River Resource Conservation and Development Council will host the event in collaboration with UGA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Georgia Department of Agriculture, Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Georgia Forestry Commission, Georgia Organics, Global Growers, Athens Land Trust, Gwinnett Technical College and Georgia Grown.

Tickets for the expo cost $5 for one day or $8 for both days. To register, visit

Georgia Urban Ag & Outdoor Expo
Georgia Urban Ag & Outdoor Expo
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