
News Stories - Page 194

Bedtimes can make a difference in children's mood and ability at school
Between after-school activities, homework and other obligations, kids have a lot of competition for the time they should devote to sleep. Many kids — and adults, for that matter — don’t get enough sleep. On average, high school students need between seven and 11 hours of sleep. For younger kids, even more time is needed: 12 hours for school-age kids, 13 hours for preschoolers and close to 14 hours for toddlers.
A student hangs her bookbag on a peg outside her classroom door. CAES News
Making the switch from summer brain back to school brain
New backpacks, jeans, and boxes of markers and crayons can help get kids ready to go back to school, but how should parents mentally prepare their children?
Convincing kids to try new vegetables is the most difficult aspect of getting them to adopt a healthier diet but there are a few tips that can make it easier. CAES News
Vegetables don't have to be scary
The beginning of the school year usually means the return of a more regular mealtime schedule for families. This makes it a great time to introduce or reinforce healthy eating habits. 
Live from the Lab CAES News
CAES scientists go live on Facebook this fall
This fall the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is opening the labs of some its most distinguished researchers to students and science fans across the state. 
The path to college begins in middle school
While it's hard to imagine middle schoolers living on their own or heading off to college, students need to begin to think about their future education and career goals when they’re in middle school.
U.S. currency and credit cards. CAES News
Early conversations about money can pay big dividends in financial literacy
Conversations with kids about money can be hard, but starting those awkward money dialogues early can go a long way to help children grow into financially responsible adults.
Education and open lines of communication are key for parents to help their children through a cyberbullying situation. CAES News
Open lines of communication can help students dealing with cyber bullies
Students today spend more time online than anywhere else, so it’s not a surprise that some of the worst behavior adults remember from their own teenage years — gossiping and bullying — has followed students online and into their newly built social networks.
Flor Campos-Robles, a fifth-grade Clarke County 4-H member from Athens, Georgia, won third place with her poster featuring a house that appears to be feeling under weather and warns about the dangers of radon. CAES News
UGA Radon Education Program sets Oct. 5 as deadline for annual Radon Poster Contest
Household radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S., but the hazards of this dangerous gas are still relatively unknown to many Georgia families.
Dougherty County Extension Coordinator James Morgan teaches Radium Springs Elementary school students how to plant fall vegetables. Morgan has been instrumental in the establishment of school gardens at 13 of the 14 elementary schools in Dougherty County. CAES News
Be an asset to your child's school garden
There are more than 2,000 schools in Georgia, and about 25 percent of these have school gardens. These gardens are true outdoor classrooms where students learn about history, geography, math and literature. 

About the Newswire

The CAES newswire features the latest popular science and lifestyle stories relating to agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences as well as UGA Extension programs and services around the state.

Media Contacts

Cassie Ann Kiggen Chief Communications Officer
Jordan Powers Public Relations Manager