
Browse Profiles and Awards Stories - Page 15

170 results found for Profiles and Awards
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension intern Lauren Dubberly is spending her summer working with Cook County Agent Tucker Price. She's shown marking a research trial in a peanut field. Dubberly says she is learning a lot about diseases found in fruit, vegetable and row crops. CAES News
Extension Interns
What better way to decide if a county Extension agent job is for you than to spend a summer working with one. For the past 12 years, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has offered internships to college students who aspire to be county agents.
UGA's Wes Porter is an expert in precision agriculture. He is located on the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
Precision Ag Award
A University of Georgia scientist’s dedication to educating Georgia farmers about the benefits of precision agriculture has garnered him international recognition. Wes Porter, a UGA Cooperative Extension precision agriculture and irrigation specialist, will receive the Educator/Researcher Award from the PrecisionAg Institute at the InfoAg Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, on Tuesday, July 23.
Ronald Pegg is a professor in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. He was named a 2019 Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor and received the UGA Russell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in 2013. CAES News
Pegg Honored
Whether food scientist Ronald Pegg is chasing coffee “from bean to cup” in Costa Rica or pinpointing the phenolic antioxidant constituents in Georgia pecans, he has a passion for inspiring an investigative spirit in his students. 
Based on the UGA Griffin campus, Bodie Pennisi coordinates a statewide program that supports the professional landscape industry. She also assists UGA Extension agents with landscape troubleshooting, landscape planning and local programming, and she conducts applied research on wildflowers and ornamental plants. CAES News
Pennisi Awarded
University of Georgia Department of Horticulture Professor Bodie Pennisi has been named a UGA Public Service and Outreach (PSO) Faculty Fellow for 2019-2020. The program provides UGA professors with an opportunity to apply their research and course curriculum to the needs of a specific PSO unit at the university.
CAES Dean Sam Pardue, left, presented Frank McGill with the Medallion of Honor during special event on Thursday, May 2, on the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
Medallion of Honor
Frank McGill, 92, affectionally known throughout the Georgia agricultural community as “Mr. Peanut,” received the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ Medallion of Honor during a private event on Thursday, May 2, on the UGA Tifton campus.
Glenn Burton examines grass cultivars being grown on the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
Georgia Groundbreakers
You may never have heard the name Glenn Burton before, but you’ve almost certainly seen his handiwork. In a career spanning more than six decades, most of which was spent as a professor at the University of Georgia’s Tifton campus, Burton established himself as one of the world’s most prolific agricultural scientists. You don’t have to search long to find one of his creations.
Joe West, assistant dean of UGA-Tifton, is presented a Georgia Trust Award for the renovation work done on the Tift Building and Agricultural Research Building. Pictured on the far left is Georgia Schley Ritchie, chair of the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation; Will Sumner of Allstate Construction; Tony Menefee of Menefee Architects; Gwynne Darden, UGA associate vice president for facilities planning; Scott Messer, UGA director of historic preservation; and Mark McDonald, president and CEO of the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation. CAES News
Georgia Trust Award
The restoration of two landmarks on the University of Georgia Tifton campus earned recognition from the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation.
UGA horticulturist James Affolter holds the Larry R. Beuchat Professorship for Annual and Perennial Ornamental Plant Research. The professorship in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences was created through a generous gift from Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus Larry Beuchat. The research-focused position will be located in the Department of Horticulture and housed at the State Botanical Garden in Athens, Georgia. CAES News
Beuchat Professorship
University of Georgia horticulturist James Affolter has been named to the newly endowed Larry R. Beuchat Professorship for Annual and Perennial Ornamental Plant Research.
UGA plant pathologist Tim Brenneman received a Friends of Southern IPM award at the Georgia Association of Plant Pathologists annual meeting. CAES News
Plant Pathologists Recognized
Two University of Georgia plant pathologists in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences received the Friends of Southern Integrated Pest Management (IPM) awards at the Georgia Association of Plant Pathologists annual meeting in Savannah, Georgia on March 13.