
Browse General Agriculture Stories - Page 15

524 results found for General Agriculture
Soybeans grow on a plant at a UGA lab in Athens. Soybean farmers will soon have a smart phone app to help know when to irrigate their crop. CAES News
Local Soil Inoculant
In developing countries, the sustainable production of nutrient-dense crops is a critical need. A team of University of Georgia researchers have identified an affordable and local organic practice that can increase nutrient density in soybeans, or edamame, and improve soil health.
A survey conducted by UGA researchers examined whether respondents had any concern about the growing of hemp and the creation of hemp products in their area. CAES News
Community perceptions of hemp
Hemp is a promising new industry for profitability, but growers of this newly legal crop will face a mix of public opinions according to University of Georgia research into challenges those in the hemp business may face in the southeastern United States.
Natural predators from turf lawns were placed in petri dishes where the marks made by the insects were preserved in soft clay. CAES News
Tracking Bug Tracks
Modeling clay isn’t limited to art classrooms and sculpting studios. University of Georgia researchers developed a tool to track beneficial insects in turfgrass systems using clay models. Tracking these good predators can help develop eco-friendly pest management techniques for both home lawns and commercial sod growers.
A pivot uniformity or "catch can" test is conducted to verify that the system is applying water uniformly. Performing irrigation system maintenance during the winter months can ensure the system’s longevity. CAES News
Center pivot maintenance
With winter just around the corner, now is a good time to perform some preventive maintenance on center pivot irrigation systems and to have them winterized.
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences researchers tested biodegradable pots made from (left to right) wood pulp fiber, cow manure and coconut coir. CAES News
Sustainable Gardening
Professional and home gardeners alike can grow landscapes sustainably with the help of biodegradable plant containers, but gardeners may wonder whether these containers decompose quickly enough to avoid hindering plant growth.
Freshly picked blueberries sit in baskets at the University of Georgia horticulture farm in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Essential Oil Grant
Organic fruit and vegetable growers want to meet the recent uptick in national consumer demand, but they need additional tools to battle pests and diseases that often accompany organic crop growth.
Since the Congressional Agricultural Fellowship program’s inception in 1997, the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has helped develop new generations of agricultural policymakers by providing them with the opportunity to gain real-world experience at the highest level. Current Congressional Agricultural Fellows Grace Dodds (left) and Julie Bacon pose in front of UGA's Delta Hall in Washington, D.C. CAES News
2020 Congressional Ag Fellows
Four undergraduate students from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are representing the college in Washington, D.C., serving as 2020 CAES Congressional Agricultural Fellows.
Simerjeet “Simer” Virk, who has served as a research engineer in the UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences since 2016, took on a new role Aug. 1 as assistant professor and Extension precision agriculture specialist on UGA’s Tifton campus. CAES News
Precision Ag Specialist
Georgia producers have a new precision agriculture resource to enhance productivity on their farms.
Pine trees on the UGA Westbrook Farm in Griffin, Ga. (file photo) CAES News
Tax Guide
Keeping up with changes in Georgia’s property tax laws is a full-time job, and a new book shows the fruits of these efforts.