
Browse Field Crops, Forage and Turfgrass Production Stories - Page 35

653 results found for Field Crops, Forage and Turfgrass Production
The turf used inside Sanford Stadium in Athens is Tifway 419, a variety developed in Tifton, Georgia. CAES News
Tifway at Super Bowl
The University of Georgia is world renown for its turfgrass breeding program so much so that the cultivars of grass produced by the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are used in high profile sporting arenas and golf courses worldwide. This weekend, millions of viewers will see one of the college's most accomplished turfgrasses in action, as the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers play in Super Bowl 50.
Soil Sampling
Of the mindset that it’s “better late than never,” University of Georgia Cooperative Extension soils and fertility specialist Glen Harris advises Georgia farmers to take samples of the soil in their fields for analysis.
There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
2016 Ag Forecast
Georgia’s economy will be on the rise in 2016, fueled by population growth, resurgence of the housing market and major projects across the state, including two new professional sports stadiums planned for metro Atlanta. Georgians can also expect to continue to pay less for a gallon of milk, and for meat producers, exports look encouraging for beef and pork.
The Georgia Peanut Farm Show was held at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center on Thursday, Jan. 21. CAES News
Peanut Farm Show
This year’s peanut yields in Georgia was among the state’s highest, but University of Georgia peanut agronomist Scott Monfort fears that next year’s crop will be vulnerable to increased disease pressure.
Cotton is dumped into a trailer at the Gibbs Farm in Tifton on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013. CAES News
Ag Forecast
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension cotton economist Don Shurley says that Georgia cotton farmers can expect prices to remain low for their crop until worldwide demand improves. Shurley will give a detailed report on Georgia’s cotton crop at three of the 2016 Georgia Ag Forecast events set for January 2016.
Wayne Hanna, CAES turf breeder and professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, has been inducted into the National Academy of Inventors. CAES News
National Academy of Inventors
The National Academy of Inventors has named two University of Georgia faculty members to the 2015 class of NAI Fellows. Wayne Hanna, professor of crop and soil sciences in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and David Chu, Distinguished Research Professor in the College of Pharmacy, join an elite group of 582 innovators representing more than 190 prestigious research universities and governmental and nonprofit research institutions.
Cotton is dumped into a trailer at the Gibbs Farm in Tifton on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013. CAES News
Cotton Update
End-of-year rainfall and poor harvest conditions have been tough on Georgia’s cotton crop and tested Georgia’s cotton farmers, says University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s new cotton agronomist.
An agitation boat is shown during a demonstration during the Manure Field Day held at the UGA Tifton Campus Dairy. CAES News
Dairy Waste Management
Remote-controlled boats could be a valuable tool for helping Georgia dairymen recycle waste on their farms, according to University of Georgia animal and dairy scientists.
Some parts of Georgia received more than 10 inches more rain than usual during November 2015. CAES News
November Rains
November 2015 was one of the 10 wettest, warmest Novembers on record for Georgia. Some areas of the state received as much as 10 inches more rain than is normal, and temperatures were generally 3 to 7 degrees above normal.