
Browse Field Crops, Forage and Turfgrass Production Stories - Page 11

656 results found for Field Crops, Forage and Turfgrass Production
Hay sampling is an important task for any Georgia producer. Seen here is hay sampling during the Southern Women in Ag program. CAES News
Southeastern Hay Contest
During the Southeastern Hay Contest at the 2019 Sunbelt Ag Expo, Georgia hay producers have a chance to compare the quality of their hay and win cash prizes.
UGA Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort estimates that Georgia’s peanut crop hasn’t been this dry this late in the growing season since 2014. Since approximately half of the state’s crop is planted in dryland fields, yields this year are expected to drop. CAES News
Summer Drought
Current drought conditions could negatively influence Georgia peanut farmers’ plans for this year’s dryland crop, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort.
The Georgia Peanut Achievement Club honors farmers throughout the state who produced the highest yields. Pictured are the farmers, industry sponsors, UGA Peanut Team and Extension agents on August 10, 2019. CAES News
Peanut Achievement Club
The University of Georgia Peanut Team honored Georgia’s top peanut producers this weekend at the annual Georgia Peanut Achievement Club meeting held on Jekyll Island, Georgia.
Bermuda grass stem maggot damages the upper leaves of a forage crop. Lisa Baxter estimates about 60% yield loss in this picture. CAES News
Forage Pest Management
Drought-like conditions this summer are forcing Georgia forage farmers to delay treatments for Bermuda grass stem maggot, according to Lisa Baxter, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension forage specialist.
Irrigation maintenance is key for farmers to avoid costly malfunctions once the growing season begins. CAES News
Corn Irrigation
During a summer when Georgia corn farmers have relied heavily on their irrigation systems working effectively, many struggled with equipment malfunctions that may have reduced crop yields. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension irrigation specialist Wes Porter believes that those problems can be avoided in the future if producers make necessary modifications after the growing season.
A corn plot grows for research at the Sunbelt Ag Expo. UGA Extension weed specialist Eric Prostko encourages farmers to continue managing their weeds even after corn is harvested this year. CAES News
Weed Control
Georgia corn farmers are preparing for harvest, but they can’t take a break once they ship their crops to market. That time should be focused on staying ahead of weeds that can cripple the next year’s crop.
Field days like this one “serve as a direct conduit between growers, agents and scientists,” says Mark McCann, assistant dean for UGA Cooperative Extension. Field days also allow UGA specialists to share their research and farmers to gain knowledge, all with the benefit of improving Georgia agriculture. CAES News
Midville Field Day
The University of Georgia Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center (SREC) in Midville, Georgia, will host its annual field day on Wednesday, Aug. 14.
UGA peanut researchers Soraya and David Bertioli were honored at the meeting of the American Peanut Research and Education Society with the American Peanut Council Peanut Research and Education Award. CAES News
Peanut Research
Peanut researchers from the University of Georgia met with hundreds of peanut scientists from around the world earlier this week to discuss the international impact of peanut research and to recognize top researchers.
UGA weed scientist Stanley Culpepper speaks during the Sunbelt Field Day in 2015. He is among the scheduled presenters during this year's field day on July 25, 2019. CAES News
Sunbelt Field Day
Georgia farmers can learn about agricultural research while interacting with University of Georgia scientists during the annual Sunbelt Field Day in Moultrie, Georgia, on Thursday, July 25.