
Browse Health and Family Stories - Page 12

343 results found for Health and Family
Ted Futris is project director on a recently awarded five-year, $6.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that aims to provide Georgia couples with healthy relationship skills and financial guidance. CAES News
Practicing Gratitude in Relationships
For resilient marriages, thanks is best given year-round, not just at the holidays. That’s according to University of Georgia researchers at the College of Family and Consumer Sciences.
Renato Garcia and Joanna Ortiz participated in Elevate training as part of Project F.R.E.E. (Photo by Kristina Arjona) CAES News
Federally funded project to aid Georgia couples
A team of University of Georgia faculty in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences aims to provide Georgia couples with healthy relationship skills and financial guidance with the help of a five-year, $6.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Produce in a grocery store. CAES News
MCR Genes
Antibiotic resistance – one of the biggest threats to global health, according to the World Health Organization – occurs when germs learn how to defeat the drugs designed to kill them. The problem of resistance threatens the efficacy of antibiotics, making simple infections untreatable.
Murray County 4-H Tech Changemakers gather for a photo before an informational session in 2019. CAES News
4-H Tech Changemakers
With increased electronic communication leaving many members of older generations behind, a partnership between the Microsoft Corporation and the National 4-H Council has mobilized an energized group of 4-H Technology Changemakers to help provide resources and training to level the playing field.
Walks, jogs or bike rides around the neighborhood or local parks during social distancing are permitted by public health officials, as long as the minimum 6 feet of distance between other people is maintained. CAES News
Virtual Diabetes Program
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Georgia Extension Diabetes Prevention Program was challenged with shifting to a completely virtual format. Trained agents are delivering the program to community members across the state and collaborating with the University System of Georgia (USG) to offer the National Diabetes Prevention Program entirely online to faculty and staff.
Washing face coverings is an important part of preventing "maskne," or face acne caused by wearing masks. CAES News
Avoiding Maskne
Adding to the other little irritations caused by wearing masks — slippage, missed cues, muffled sound — masks can also cause skin irritation, so it’s important to know how to care for your mask as well as your skin.
An increasing number of COVID-19 patients have reported losses of smell and/or taste, prompting the CDC to add it to the growing list of symptoms for COVID-19. The arrow in the photo points to a taste bud (red) with a taste "pore," a channel opening that communicates with the oral cavity. CAES News
COVID-19 Cell Immunity
A new study from the Regenerative Bioscience Center at the University of Georgia is the first to suggest that COVID-19 does not directly damage taste bud cells.
According to a recent survey, 81% of teens say mental health is a significant issue for young people in the U.S. (Georgia 4-H members during Fall Forum at Rock Eagle 4-H Center, December, 2019) CAES News
Youth mental health
Whether going back to school means in-person or distance learning for the young people in your life, it’s a good time to remember to prioritize mental health. COVID-19 has impacted the lives of young people in many ways, and mental health is no exception.
Spending time outdoors, including activities such as UGA Extension's Great Georgia Pollinator Census to be held Aug. 21-22, offers numerous physical and mental health benefits such as reduced stress, greater cognitive functioning and increased physical activity. CAES News
Natural Benefits
With formalized school programs gearing up in the next few months, many parents and guardians may struggle with helping their children and teenagers disengage from technology and spend time outdoors.