
Browse Commercial Weed Control Stories - Page 5

54 results found for Commercial Weed Control
Members of Stanley Culpepper's team conducts a trial that is comparing methyl bromide to Paladin Pic, Trifecta, and the UGA 3-WAY. CAES News
Herbicide Drift
Keeping herbicides from drifting off target is the law and “it’s the neighborly thing to do,” says a University of Georgia weed specialist.
Mark McClure, Forest Health Specialist with the Georgia Forestry Commission, talks with members of a Chinese Delegation during a trip to south Georgia last month. CAES News
Invasive Species
When we think of invasive species we usually think of insects, plants and animals that have been shipped to Georgia from another part of the world, but it’s a two-way street. Georgia’s native plants and insects can be just as devastating overseas if they take root in a foreign ecosystem
Turfgrass Management Quiz is a mobile app designed by University of Georgia faculty for turfgrass students. It can also be used by turfgrass professionals who want to brush up on their knowledge. It's a fun application that challenges users to get the best score, improve on their score and test their knowledge. CAES News
Turfgrass Mobile Apps
Four mobile applications designed by University of Georgia specialists are putting lawncare information at your fingertips, literally.
A farmer uses his tractor to bushhog a pasture in Butts County, Ga. CAES News
Pasture weeds
From observations out in the field this summer, I would say the most persistent weeds farmers face in pastures and hayfields are horsenettle, crabgrass and Johnsongrass. These three plants are persistent by nature and may prove difficult to control.
A butterfly takes a break atop a Miss Huff Lantana bush. CAES News
Lantana lace bugs
The summer heat is making lantana lace bug populations boom and lantana flower blooms decline. If the pests set up residence on the popular landscape plant, they can cause plants to stop producing flowers.
A cucumber vine grows in a backyard garden in Butts County, Ga. CAES News
Perfect for diseases
Summer is a great time for fresh local produce, but Georgia summers can present many challenges for gardeners trying to keep crops healthy and alive. This is especially true for tomatoes and cucurbits.
In this file photo, an array of pesticides are lined on the shelves of a Griffin, Ga., feed and seed store. CAES News
Pesticide credits
Certified pesticide applicators need recertification training and continuing education credits to maintain their licenses. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has planned pesticide applicator recertification classes for May in Albany and Gainesville.
Onlookers watch as an Air Robot 100B, an unmanned device, is demonstrated Thursday afternoon at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center. The demonstration was part of a two-day AUVSI Atlanta Chapter Unmanned Systems in Agriculture Conference. The Air Robot 100B, which is equipped with a video camera, is controlled by David Price (with controller), a senior research technologist at Georgia Tech. It is is designed to aid the military, police or fire department, by reaching a certain height and looking down on something. CAES News
Agricultural technology
Remote-controlled helicopters, unmanned aircraft equipped with imaging sensors; welcome to the future of agriculture.
Lawn being fertilized CAES News
Proper lawn care
The key to using pre-emergence herbicide and fertilizer on home lawns is timing. The common pitfall is to apply either (or both) of these products too early.