
Browse Landscaping Stories - Page 5

243 results found for Landscaping
Adding flowering plants isn't the only way to add fragrance to landscapes. Trees, like this Chionanthus virginicus (white fringetree or grancy graybeard), can also provide beautiful and fragrant flowers. CAES News
Fragrant Garden
Planting a fragrant garden can be pleasant to your sense of smell and attract insects, bats, and hummingbird pollinators. Fragrance strength and quality can be affected by environmental factors such as humidity, soil moisture and nutrients.
Native azaleas typically have tubular flowers with long stamens that extend beyond their petals. University of Georgia scientist Carol Robacker is studying many of the native azaleas that grow in the Piedmont region to determine which ones are adapted to Georgia. CAES News
Fall Transplanting
Fall and early winter are the best time to relocate large trees and shrubs. Moving established plants from one location to another can change your landscape without costing you money.
A diseased leaf on a tree at the University of Georgia's Southeast Research and Education Center in Midville, Ga. CAES News
Turf & Ornamentals
The University of Georgia Turfgrass Research Field Day is set for Thursday, Aug. 9, on the UGA campus in Griffin, Georgia. This year, two optional, interactive sessions especially designed for landscape experts will follow the field day.
Poison ivy grows up a tree in Jackson, Ga. CAES News
Poison Ivy
Poison ivy is one of gardeners’ most dreaded landscape weeds, and it is growing and thriving now. If you have ever experienced the red, itchy, blistery rash that comes from being in contact with this weed, then you understand gardeners’ disdain for this plant. 
Tomato transplants grown from seeds are ready to begin an adjustment to outdoor temperatures. CAES News
Winter Chores
February is here and, even though it is cold outside, many garden tasks can be completed now in preparation for a successful growing season. From starting seeds indoors to cleaning and sharpening garden tools, there are plenty of garden chores to do before spring arrives.
Landscape Resolutions
The new year is a time for making new personal resolutions. Consider also making some resolutions to prevent problems in the garden throughout 2018. These gardening resolutions could even be easier to keep than personal resolutions like eating less and exercising more.
'Bouquet Rose' dianthus makes a perfect partner for this planter box containing Delta Pure Color Mix pansies. CAES News
Bouquet dianthus
If you are looking for a pansy companion, cut flower or even a perennial performance, then the Bouquet dianthus series is a perfect choice. For years it was a series of one, ‘Bouquet Purple,’ an electrifying shot of energy to the pansy pal market. Forget the color purple, it is really a shocking, iridescent hot pink that will dazzle in any landscape.
Snow coats leaves in March 2009 in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Snow Damage
North Georgia landscapes have been either dusted or covered with snow this December. Now, homeowners are dealing with the damage that trees and shrubs suffered as a result of heavy, wet snowfall causing vulnerable branches to bend and break.
Though the leaves haven't fallen, this Finch Gold possumhaw holly is already showing out with branches filled with golden berries. CAES News
Golden Berry
This time of the year, everyone is thinking of decking the halls with hollies and their colorful red berries, but you just may want to consider adding a touch of gold. Can you even imagine hollies with bright golden berries? These would show out in the landscape like small trees or shrubs adorned with a thousand little golden lights — and the same for the mantel! My preference, however, would be to see birds celebrating with a Christmas feast.