
Browse Pollution and Contaminants Stories - Page 2

53 results found for Pollution and Contaminants
UGA graduate student Jamie Morgan tests the water in an algae-filled pond on Bill Atkinson's farm in Dacula. CAES News
Tainted Water
With the summer heat and sporadic rainfall, conditions are right for farm ponds to become inundated with harmful algal blooms.
Lead Testing
Since the water crisis in Flint, Michigan made headlines in late 2015, parents across the country have started looking at their kitchen taps a little suspiciously.
When using pesticides, remember that the safe and legal use of pesticides requires that the entire label be followed exactly. Contact your local Extension agent if you're unsure about a product. CAES News
Pesticide Collection
A pesticide collection event has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 29, at the Southern Pines Ag and Expo in Dublin, Georgia. The event will be held from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Using a farm pond as a giant watering dish for cattle may be an easy way to provide livestock with water, but it's not the healthiest. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say this can spread diseases through a herd, affect the fish quality and destroy the stability of the pond's shoreline. CAES News
Pond Water
Many Georgia farmers use their fish ponds as water sources for livestock. A pond located in a pasture is a convenient and dependable source of water for stock, but letting cattle have free access to a pond is not the best decision for the animals, the pond or the fish that live there.
Safe Drinking Water
Spring water from springs scattered across north Georgia may taste better than tap water, but that doesn’t mean it is safe to drink. The truth is that these spring water sources are not tested or treated.
In "Sustainable Gardening for the Southeast," Susan Varlamoff pulls together science-based information from Southern land-grant universities on various aspects of environmentally friendly gardening. CAES News
Sustainable Gardening Book
In her new book, “Sustainable Gardening for the Southeast,” Susan Varlamoff, CAES director of the Office of Environmental Sciences, aims to provide home gardeners with comprehensive information on environmentally friendly gardening and to teach readers how to create an ecosystem in home landscapes.
Georgia 4-H'ers collected more than 13,000 pounds of aluminum tabs this year, including this huge bag from Zyria Jones of Elbert County Middle School. The tabs generated $5,425 for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Georgia. Jones is shown with her science teacher Steve Jordan and Elbert County 4-H and youth development agent Lauren Macias-Dye. CAES News
Poptab Cash
For the past 13 years, seventh- and eighth-grade Georgia 4-H’ers have collected the tabs from aluminum cans to raise money for Ronald McDonald House Charities. This year, 13,181 pounds of tabs were collected, and $5,425 was donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Georgia.
Local and state leaders and staff from the Tifton-Tift County Chamber of Commerce join University of Georgia researcher Craig Kvien as he officially cuts the ribbon of the Future Farmstead site. The net zero home/research facility is located on the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' campus in Tifton. CAES News
Future Farmstead
The Future Farmstead, a model home for energy-efficient housing, was on display Wednesday, Oct. 14, as part of a dedication ceremony on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus.
Using a partial research grant from Georgia DOT, University of Georgia weed scientist Patrick McCullough has designed a mobile app using DOT terminology to make the tool user-friendly for workers. “All the information they need to make the best management decisions for controlling roadside weeds and vegetation is now literally at their fingertips,” he said. CAES News
In addition to building and maintaining roads, the Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) mows grass and kills weeds that obstruct drivers’ views. A University of Georgia scientist has created an app to help DOT agronomists kill weeds quicker, using less chemicals.