
Browse Sustainability Stories

2 results found for Sustainability
Palisades Fire from Playa Vista, Los Angeles CAES News
Prescribed burns
As shocking images of the fire-blasted hills around Los Angeles demonstrate, wildfires have become an increasing concern in the United States, particularly in regions where suppression strategies have dominated for decades. A new study by University of Georgia researcher Yukiko Hashida examines how prescribed burns could play a key role in mitigating wildfire risks.
A person in a white shirt sorts clothes from their wardrobe for donation. CAES News
Cutting Clutter
Everyone’s got one. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You know, that drawer, closet or room where you stash all the things that need to be out of the way. That counter that is always piled with correspondence, important papers or items saved for later. That cabinet or shed whose contents you may not be 100% sure of. Our society places a premium on what we own, and often our stuff defines us. While it is normal to outfit our homes with décor and sentimental items, sometimes what we have can interfere with how we live.