
Browse Pollution and Contaminants Stories - Page 5

53 results found for Pollution and Contaminants
Cooperative Extension Southwest District 4-H'ers play beneath center pivot irrigation at the 2012 4-H20 camp at Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Ga. CAES News
South Georgia 4-H'ers have fun learning about water conservation.
Dozens of 4-H students playing under the dangling spray nozzle of a center pivot irrigation system may look like a fun way to cool off in the south Georgia heat. But it’s also a lesson in water conservation.
A stream runs through the Westbrook Farm at the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Land conservation
The Conserve Research Program helps landowners protect their land – a precious natural resource. But landowners can’t participate if they don’t know about the program.
Go green grants
Three University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences students are among six whom were recently awarded grants from the UGA Office of Sustainability. The grants, which come from the student-paid green fee, will fund projects aimed at advancing campus sustainability.
Instructor Cat Rosario, shows her panning prospect from a creek as Alpharetta Elementary students watch and listen to her demonstration before trying it themselves during environmental education at Wahsega 4-H camp in Dahlonega, Thursday, April 28, 2005. CAES News
Environmental education

As summer transitions into fall, students across Georgia return to their classrooms. Whether those classrooms are virtual, at home or in a brick-and-mortar school, learning can occur anywhere. The Georgia 4-H Environmental Education Program uses nature as a classroom for students across the Southeast.

Mark Risse, left, and Adam Speir check out the compost piles at the University of Georgia. Risse and Speir are faculty in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. CAES News
Water survey
More people value water quality over water quantity, according to a recent survey conducted by University of Georgia researchers. And, they trust local water information sources over federal ones.
A varroa mite feeds on a honeybee. The mites spread viruses and activate those already present in bees, causing bees to get sick and entire colonies to die. Researchers believe varroa mites might be contributing to CCD. CAES News
Mites key to bee problem
Nearly 30 percent of all honeybees literally disappeared last winter, fleeing their hives never to return. Researchers have studied colony collapse disorder since it was identified in 2006. They are now uncovering answers to this problem.
Water runs from a silver faucet. CAES News
Uranium threatens some Georgia drinking water
Uranium is a naturally occurring radioactive element found in some rocks and groundwater. It can make its way into drinking water, where it can be harmful to health. Some parts of Georgia could have problems with it.
Peeling lead paint on the exterior of the Wright House, a historic building at the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site. CAES News
Lead Safety
Lead can be poisonous, and many Americans live in homes contaminated by lead-based paint on their walls, windows and doors.
In this file photo, an array of pesticides are lined on the shelves of a Griffin, Ga., feed and seed store. CAES News
Pesticide training
Spring rains and summertime heat have sparked insects and lawn diseases across the state. That may send some landscape lovers looking for someone to apply a few chemicals to protect their interests.