
Browse Commercial Soil Stories

35 results found for Commercial Soil
Pam Knox visits a UGA weather station on the Durham Horticulture Farm in Watkinsville, Georgia. CAES News
Changing World
As climate issues capture governmental and public attention — from the effects of methane emissions to weather extremes — it is incumbent on the world to take action. Experts in UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are focused on helping residents address climate challenges in ways that will benefit the environment and ensure both profitability and sustainability for industry.
Corn and rye residue, part of a conservation tillage system on Barry Martin's farm in Hawkinsville, Georgia. CAES News
Conservation Tillage Conference
For decades, farmers who have embraced conservation production have seen increased soil health, reduced irrigation demands and lowered economic risk. For the past 17 years, Georgia farmers interested in adopting new conservation practices for their farms – including those looking to swap best practices with other conservation tillers – have gathered at Georgia’s annual Conservation Production Systems Training Conference.
A picture of a corn field from a few years ago. Recent rains have helped this year's corn crop, according to UGA Extension specialist Eric Prostko. CAES News
Road Trip
Like many other young people, plant pathology graduate student Russell Ingram’s friends have an epic road trip planned for this summer. The difference is that instead of setting off for a music festival in the desert or visiting a beach, Ingram’s pals are hitting the road in search of jobs.
J. Scott Angle, dean and director, UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Ag Honors
J. Scott Angle, former dean and director of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, received the Earl Douglas Harris Memorial AGHON Award from AGHON at UGA. Angle, who now serves as president and CEO of the International Fertilizer Development Center, is one of only a few to be given the award in the past 30 years.
Andrea Scarrow, UGA Extension Southwest District FACS program development coordinator, speaks during an Annie's Project Workshop held in Albany on Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015. CAES News
Female farmers
Women own 13.6 percent of America’s active farms and their farms produce almost $13 billion worth of goods each year. Just like male farmers, they need access to business and technical information to help make their farms successful. But while many pride themselves on not needing a “women’s only” class on how to work the land or run a business, many other women simply feel more comfortable learning around other female farmers.
Brown patch disease in fescue. CAES News
Lawn Soil Tests
In home lawns, a routine soil test will help reveal any underlying issues relating to soil nutrition or pH. This is often the first step to ruling out any problems like thin spots and dead patches.
Rye and clover grow side by side in a research plot on cover crops at the University of Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville. CAES News
No-Till Field Day
Large- and small-scale farmers can learn the latest information about no-till planting at the University of Georgia’s No-Till Field Day, slated for Oct. 23 at Buffalo Creek Straw & Seed Farm in Oglethorpe County.
A research plot of hairy vetch grows at the University of Georgia Central Research and Education Center in Eatonton, Ga. Hairy Vetch is a winter legume that can be used as a cover crop. It tolerates a wide variety of soils, but UGA Extension specialist Julia Gaskin says "in Georgia, if you plant it, you are going to have it for life.” CAES News
Fall Covers Crops
Home gardeners who plan to give their garden spot a rest this fall can plant seeds now to help next summer’s garden. A University of Georgia expert says planting a cover crop during this fall will add precious soil organic matter and nutrients that will benefit garden soil later.
Earthworms burrow through a compost pile in Butts County, Ga. CAES News
Compost Lessons
Learn the basics of composting on April 19 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center’s Saturday at the Rock event.