
News Stories - Page 185

Founding members of the National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture include (l-r) Suzi McCoy (Garden Media Group), Ellen Bauske (University of Georgia), Gail Langellotto (Oregon State University) Tom Bewick (USDA-NIFA), Casey Scale (American Public Gardens Association) Pam Bennett (The Ohio State University), Julie Weisenhorn (Minnesota State University) and Debbie Hamrick (North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation). CAES News
New initiative aimed at promoting health benefits of plants
A new national initiative encourages consumers to add plants to their homes and landscapes for the health benefits plants provide.
Titan, a newly released University of Georgia blueberry variety, produces much larger berries than traditional blueberry plants. CAES News
Georgia-grown berries are full of healthy antioxidants and immune-boosting phytochemicals
Harvest season for blueberries in Georgia runs from mid-April through July, and strawberry season is March through July. Add Georgia-grown blueberries to your diet in July, National Blueberry Month.
This year 59 Young Scholars represent more than 35 high schools from across the state spent six weeks working with researchers in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Young Scholars celebrate a summer of scientific curiosity and inspiration
Pipette, check. Lab coat, check. A sense of scientific curiosity, double check. It’s not your typical gear list for summer camp, but it covers just what Georgia high school students needed while they participated in this summer’s University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) Young Scholars Program.
Events, like this Halloween celebration at the Healthy Life Community Garden in Griffin, Georgia, bring the public into community gardens. To help ensure a garden's long lifespan, it must be visible to people outside the group of garden supporters, says University of Georgia community garden expert Becky Griffin. CAES News
Make the most of your community garden through event planning
A community garden is much more than raised beds and vegetables. The garden builds a sense of community. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offers tips to help your garden reach its full potential.
August 8, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will host a tour of four northeast Georgia vineyards, focusing on the cultivation practices and grape varieties that have made Georgia's burgeoning wine industry possible. CAES News
North Georgia vineyard tour showcases UGA Extension research and growers know how
Georgia’s wine industry has surged in size and popularity over the past decade, but this success didn’t happen overnight.
Shane Curry, UGA Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources agent in Appling County, will be honored at the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market on Dec. 4, 2018. CAES News
UGA Extension Agent Shane Curry recognized with 40 under 40 honor
Shane Curry’s work with blueberries, pecans and organics in southeastern Georgia has helped garner the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources agent a 40 under 40 recognition by Great American Media Services, publishers of Fruit Grower News and Vegetable Growers News.
Pictured is the muscadine variety 'Hall'. CAES News
South Georgia muscadine grape conference July 26 in Americus
With the end of summer drawing near, Georgia’s muscadine harvest season is right around the corner.
Cantaloupes being grown at UGA-Tifton. CAES News
Cantaloupe project aimed at finding variety less susceptible to bacteria
University of Georgia scientists are assisting in a study to find a cantaloupe variety with less netting on the rind in the hopes that the fruit will be less susceptible to the bacteria or pathogens that settle in the netting on the outside of the fruit.
Bhabesh Dutta teaches Extension agents in the field. CAES News
UGA's Bhabesh Dutta recognized with 40 under 40 honor
Bhabesh Dutta, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable plant pathologist, has been named to the first class of Fruit + Vegetable 40 Under 40 Award winners.

About the Newswire

The CAES newswire features the latest popular science and lifestyle stories relating to agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences as well as UGA Extension programs and services around the state.

Media Contacts

Cassie Ann Kiggen Chief Communications Officer
Jordan Powers Public Relations Coordinator & Writer