
News Stories - Page 173

University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Association President Van McCall, left, and University of Georgia President Jere Morehead congratulate former President of the United States Jimmy Carter after his induction into the Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame November 9 at UGA. CAES News
Lifelong peanut farmer and former President Jimmy Carter joins the Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame
He’s easily the most famous peanut farmer in history, and he is now the first president of the United States to be inducted into the Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame. 
Damage from Hurricane Michael in Tift County that impacted a pecan orchard. CAES News
UGA economist believes Georgia farmers need financial relief immediately
To avoid losing their farms following Hurricane Michael, Georgia farmers need financial relief as soon as possible, according to Jeff Dorfman, a professor and agricultural economist in the University of Georgia Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
Pecans lie on the ground beneath 20-year-old pecan trees that were uprooted when Hurricane Michael blew through Decatur County, Georgia. CAES News
Georgia pecan farmers struggling with low market prices
Despite a low supply of Georgia-grown pecans, Georgia producers are faced with lower prices for what remains of the pecan crop after Hurricane Michael. 
The CAES Alumni Association will present the 2018 awards at a banquet on November 9 at the Grand Hall in Tate Student Center. CAES News
CAES Alumni Association recognizes outstanding alumni
Agricultural advocates and educators topped this year’s list of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Association’s best and brightest alumni.
David Okello, the head of the groundnut improvement program for Uganda’s National Agricultural Research Organisation (far left) hosted colleagues from other East African nations who are working to streamline their groundnut breeding programs through a breeding management software program and the Peanut Innovation Lab. Project participants include (from left): Justus Chintu of the Department of Agricultural Research Services in Malawi; Amade Muitia from the Mozambique Agricultural Research Institute (IIAM); Tonike Malema from Zambia; Mary Jacinta de Carvalho from Mozambique; Lutangu Makweti of the Zambia Agricultural Research Institute; Owiny Ronald  from Uganda; and Sinkala Willard from Zambia. Photo by David Okello CAES News
Software helps African plant breeders shape peanut varieties
Groundnut producers face challenges in the field, from unpredictable rainfall to acidic soils to a particularly difficult menace, groundnut rosette disease. These types of challenges are the reason that plant breeders systematically create new varieties, targeting the genetic traits that carry resistance or improve yield. A project funded by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut is equipping plant breeders from across East and Southern Africa with innovative software to make that work quicker and more efficient.
Governor Nathan Deal and First Lady Sandra Deal (left) pose with Georgia 4-H’ers Sophia Rodriguez and Hamp Thomas (center) and Judge William (Billy) Ray, II, Georgia 4-H Foundation Trustee and anchor sponsor of the newly created endowment named in honor of Gov. and Mrs. Deal. CAES News
Georgia 4-H Foundation celebrates 70th anniversary with new leadership endowment
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal and first lady Sandra Deal were recently honored by the Georgia 4-H Foundation and the University of Georgia during a celebration of the foundation’s 70th anniversary. A new endowment for leadership programs has been created by 4-H alumni and supporters and named in honor of the Deals for their leadership and commitment to the youth development organization.
Judges in the preliminary round of the University of Georgia's Flavor of Georgia Food Product Development Contest have chosen 33 products from around Georgia to compete in the final round of the competition. CAES News
Georgia’s top food product contest ready for another year of delicious food and friendly competition
From pimiento cheese to prosciutto, Georgians take their food seriously. And they make some seriously good food. 
University of Georgia employees Eddie Edenfield (r) and Dennis Evans check readings at the UGA weather station on the campus in Griffin, Georgia. Eddenfield and Evans are responsible for making sure each of the network's 86 stations operate properly. CAES News
UGA weather network provides vital data to National Weather Service
The University of Georgia’s 86 weather stations record data 24 hours a day, seven days a week across Georgia. Farmers use this data to help them determine when to plant and treat their crops. During Hurricane Michael, the system helped the National Weather Service to track the storm and save lives.
Group of truffles. CAES News
New truffle species named after UGA's Tim Brenneman
University of Georgia Professor Tim Brenneman now has a newly discovered truffle species named after him: Tuber brennemanii.

About the Newswire

The CAES newswire features the latest popular science and lifestyle stories relating to agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences as well as UGA Extension programs and services around the state.

Media Contacts

Cassie Ann Kiggen Chief Communications Officer
Jordan Powers Public Relations Coordinator & Writer