
Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 70

990 results found for Lawn and Garden
Metro-Atlanta students will soon have an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at one of the hottest, most popular foods on the market today — pizza. CAES News
Farm-to-table pizza experience
Metro-Atlanta students will soon have an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at one of the hottest, most popular foods on the market today — pizza.
A variety of tomatoes for sale at the Buford Highway Farmers Market in Atlanta. CAES News
Tomato tips
Whether or not you are trying to grow tomatoes for the first time, or this is your 30th season, here are some tips to follow from the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension to make sure your harvest is plentiful.
A bumble bee collects pollen from a tomatillo bloom in a Butts Co., Ga., garden. CAES News
Protect the pollinators
You may be suffering like I am from the over-abundance of pollen. Before you curse the air as you pop in another anti-histamine, remind yourself to be thankful for that pollen. It helps provide the food, fiber and many other products we use every day.
A fistful of rich soil from the University of Georgia's J. Phil Campbell Sr. Research and Education Center in Watkinsville, Ga. CAES News
Soil testing is essential
The key to growing prize produce isn’t buying the highest quality transplants, sowing seeds on Good Friday or planting by the signs of the moon. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say the secret’s in the soil.
Mosquito cage in Mark Brown's mosquito endocrinology lab on the UGA Athens campus. CAES News
Mosquito control class
The University of Georgia will offer a mosquito control update and recertification class on Tuesday, April 23 on the campus in Griffin, Ga.
Large patch in centipedegrass CAES News
Centipedegrass green-up
Spring has arrived and plants are beginning to break dormancy, but your lawn may not be lush and green yet. Do not be impatient with your centipedegrass lawn and rush it to green-up.
Onlookers watch as an Air Robot 100B, an unmanned device, is demonstrated Thursday afternoon at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center. The demonstration was part of a two-day AUVSI Atlanta Chapter Unmanned Systems in Agriculture Conference. The Air Robot 100B, which is equipped with a video camera, is controlled by David Price (with controller), a senior research technologist at Georgia Tech. It is is designed to aid the military, police or fire department, by reaching a certain height and looking down on something. CAES News
Agricultural technology
Remote-controlled helicopters, unmanned aircraft equipped with imaging sensors; welcome to the future of agriculture.
UGA Cooperative Extension Specialists helped the Atlanta History Center to create an 1860s farmstead in the heart of Atlanta. CAES News
Sheep to Shawl - April 13
In the 1860s, farming was second nature to Georgians. The skills passed down from father to son and mother to daughter made life possible. But when the Atlanta History Center needed to learn a lifetime’s worth of historical farming skills to implement on the 1860s Smith Family Farm, they looked to the University of Georgia’s Cooperative Extension experts.
Winter injury on boxwood turns leaves a brownish-red or bronze color. If your boxwood has winter injury, the leaves should be green by the summer. CAES News
Boxwood blues
If the leaves of the boxwoods in your landscape are turning reddish-brown, your plant is likely suffering from winter injury.