
Browse Agricultural Policy Stories - Page 17

148 results found for Agricultural Policy
Irrigation system working in a field. CAES News
Farm-water forecast
A recent University of Georgia report shows that Georgia farmers will need 20 percent more water to grow their crops in the next four decades. They’ll need it to meet increased food demand and to compete globally.
Bioenergy Conference
No single renewable energy source, such as biofuel, solar or wind, will break the country’s massive dependence on foreign oil.
Economic engine
When the numbers are totaled, food and fiber production are the dominate drivers of Georgia’s economic engine, according to a report by the University of Georgia.
Agrosecurity certificate
For generations, Americans have had the luxury of giving very little thought to the safety of their food supply. They could eat in peace. Now, it will likely take an educated work force to keep it that way. The University of Georgia has added a new agrosecurity certificate program to focus on the issue.