, as a clearinghouse for the most up-to-date information for farmers, homeowners, natural resources professionals and Extension personnel." />, as a clearinghouse for the most up-to-date information for farmers, homeowners, natural resources professionals and Extension personnel." />
Published on 06/02/16

Climate Learning Network website compiles the best and latest work by scientists and Extension experts

By Brent Peterson

With so much information about climate change in the news, it can be hard to know where to go for the most trustworthy, research-based information.

Southern Regional Extension Forestry (SREF), in collaboration with eXtension, an online learning resource for Cooperative Extension System professionals, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, have launched the Climate Learning Network (CLN) website,, as a clearinghouse for the most up-to-date information for farmers, homeowners, natural resources professionals and Extension personnel.

The website features e-learning modules, webinars and climate news provided by the eXtension Climate Learning Network. The network compiles the best and latest work by scientists and Extension experts from land-grant universities and the USDA.

Organized as part of the CLN’s mission to promote climate literacy, the website offers a series of online learning modules for Extension professionals and the public, covering a wide range of topics at the intersection of climate science, agriculture and natural resources. Presentations from experts at key organizations and top universities serve as the core of the modules, and each module can be taken for continuing education credits from the Society of American Foresters and Certified Crop Advisers. More e-learning modules will be added as the CLN expands.

In addition to hosting the modules, the website provides extensive links to climate science, forestry and agricultural resources, especially those connected to the 10 USDA Climate Hubs, including a series of informative webinars, which can be viewed on demand at

The CLN was formed at the beginning of 2015 to promote climate literacy among Extension professionals who work in the areas of agriculture and natural resources, and to connect Extension programs at land-grant universities with the 10 USDA Climate Hubs.

About Southern Regional Extension Forestry (SREF)
SREF serves Southern land-grant universities and forestry professionals through collaborative development of forestry technologies and programs that improve the efficiency, effectiveness and relevance of supporting institutions. For more information about Southern Regional Extension Forestry, visit at

Brent Peterson is marketing and communications coordinator for Southern Regional Extension Forestry.

Southern Regional Extension Forestry (SREF), in collaboration with eXtension, an online learning resource for Cooperative Extension System professionals, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, have launched the Climate Learning Network (CLN) website — a clearinghouse for the most up-to-date climate information for farmers, homeowners, natural resources professionals and Extension personnel.
Southern Regional Extension Forestry (SREF), in collaboration with eXtension, an online learning resource for Cooperative Extension System professionals, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, have launched the Climate Learning Network (CLN) website — a clearinghouse for the most up-to-date climate information for farmers, homeowners, natural resources professionals and Extension personnel.
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