
Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 54

990 results found for Lawn and Garden
Green acorns lie beneath a tree on the University of Georgia campus in Tifton, Ga. Many species of wildlife can eat acorns with no ill effects, but cows can contract acorn poisoning from eating too many - especially the green ones. CAES News
No green acorns
Squirrels, birds and small wildlife are known to dine on acorns. Cows, on the other hand, can eat a few acorns, but too many can cause deadly acorn—or “Quercus”—poisoning.
Caroline Daniel, of Terrell County, took home first place in the 2014 Georgia 4-H Pumpkin Growing Contest with her 430 pound pumpkin. CAES News
Great Pumpkins
The average Halloween carving pumpkin weighs 10 to 20 pounds, but with tender loving care the right pumpkin can grow to 10 to 20-times that size. That’s the goal Terrell County 4-H Club member Caroline Daniel set out to meet as she cared for her 430-pound, first-place winning pumpkin this fall.
Ross Oglesby works on a seal for the Sunbelt Expo Spotlight State Building. CAES News
Sunbelt Seals
A graduate of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is etched into Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition history.
“Sombrero Adobe Orange' has completely wowed us with its extraordinary beauty. The plants produced numerous large bright orange cone flowers. This cultivar bloomed longer than any echinacea we have grown ever.” CAES News
Classic City Award Winners
Each summer the staff of The Trial Gardens at UGA selects an all-star team of plants that performed spectacularly well during the growing season.
Rye and clover grow side by side in a research plot on cover crops at the University of Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville. CAES News
No-Till Field Day
Large- and small-scale farmers can learn the latest information about no-till planting at the University of Georgia’s No-Till Field Day, slated for Oct. 23 at Buffalo Creek Straw & Seed Farm in Oglethorpe County.
Spring-flowering shrubs, like this native azalea growing in the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Georgia, should be pruned after they bloom. Pruning before they bloom will cut down on the flower show. CAES News
Rearranging Shrubs
Fall and early winter are the best time to relocate large trees and shrubs. Moving established plants from one location to another can change your landscape without costing you money.
Visitor observes new plant varieties at the UGA Trial Gardens 2009 Open House. CAES News
2014 Evening in the Garden
After gardening in the blazing sun all day, there is nothing better than enjoying the fruits (or flowers) of your labor in the evening, glass of wine in hand. Staff members with the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia are offering gardeners, and garden fans, the chance to experience the fruits of their hard work this summer with the seventh annual “Evening in the Garden,” set for Tuesday, Oct. 9, from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Pink Lady apples hang from a tree at the University of Georgia - Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville, Ga. CAES News
Backyard orchards
The backyard orchard class will cover how to select small and large fruit varieties as well as plant and maintain an orchard.
Fresh vegetables at a vendor stand at the Athens Farmers Market in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Georgia Carrots
Carrots have a reputation of being difficult to grow in Georgia’s clay soils. With a little knowledge and a few tricks, University of Georgia Extension experts say home gardeners can have success cultivating carrots.