
Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 49

990 results found for Lawn and Garden
Screen shot of Turfgrass Management iPhone application. Developed by Patrick McCullough July 2009. CAES News
Lawn Care Apps
Summertime is synonymous with cooking outdoors, taking a dip in the pool and cranking up the lawn mower to begin the arduous task of caring for your home lawn. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has made the task a little easier through a few mobile apps for Georgia homeowners and green industry professionals alike.
Most Georgians have fond childhood memories of honeysuckle vines, but the species of the fragrant vine that is most common is actually an invasive. CAES News
Invasive Flowers
If you’ve driven down the road alongside an overgrown fence or forested area in north Georgia lately, you were likely overwhelmed with a combination of fragrance from wild Japanese honeysuckle and Chinese privet. Many people assume they are native because they are so common, but neither one belongs on this continent. Both originated in Asia and were introduced to North America in the 1800s for ornamental uses in landscaping.
Freshly picked blueberries sit in baskets at the University of Georgia horticulture farm in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Backyard Berries
In addition to being the most valuable fruit crop in Georgia, blueberries are one of the most popular fruit plants among backyard gardeners.
University of Georgia research technician Clay Bennett “pilots” an aerial drone over turfgrass research plots on the UGA campus in Griffin, Georgia. UGA Extension turfgrass specialist Clint Waltz uses the drone to reduce the amount of time he and Bennett spend documenting data in fields. They also use the drone to gather supplemental data through bird's-eye-view photographs of research plots. CAES News
Drone Research
Georgia House Resolution 744 created a committee to study the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, in the state. Created as a result of public concern, the committee will look at the uses of these remote-controlled, airplane-like devices, equipped with cameras and used by law enforcement agencies and other government authorities, to determine whether they invade privacy.
Tim Coolong, UGA vegetable horticulturist, looks for squash in a plot on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Squash Research
A University of Georgia vegetable horticulturist is searching for new squash varieties to help Georgia farmers improve the state’s $24.7 million squash industry.
Using a partial research grant from Georgia DOT, University of Georgia weed scientist Patrick McCullough has designed a mobile app using DOT terminology to make the tool user-friendly for workers. “All the information they need to make the best management decisions for controlling roadside weeds and vegetation is now literally at their fingertips,” he said. CAES News
In addition to building and maintaining roads, the Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) mows grass and kills weeds that obstruct drivers’ views. A University of Georgia scientist has created an app to help DOT agronomists kill weeds quicker, using less chemicals.
A push mower used to mow turfgrass. CAES News
Lawn Thatch
Thatch is a layer of living and dead roots, crowns and lower shoots that often develops in lawns. It can weaken and even destroy a lawn if not prevented or removed.
Peaches hang in a south Georgia orchard July 2009. This year's cold winter has benefitted the state's peach crop. CAES News
Peach Research
The late-March cold spell caused some Georgia peach growers to lose a portion of their crop, but consumers should see a typical selection of fruit when the first Georgia-grown varieties ripen this month, said University of Georgia scientist Dario Chavez.
When planted in the right container, potted plants can be the gift that keeps on giving all year round. Gift-givers should check the plant for signs of disease and insects to avoid sharing an unhealthy plant. CAES News
Mother's Day Gifts
Mother’s Day is less two weeks away, prompting a scramble for last-minute gifts. Not to worry – UGA Extension horticulturists are here to help.